
Wool hair

I heard a story whereby an elderly lady heard on the news that there was a driver ...

The Important Stuff

A friend sent me the provoking little stories below. During this very special time ...

Elon Musk and Twitter

I recently read where some San Francisco progressive natives insulted Elon Musk, the ...

There is a solution

I get many requests for help for various problems including failing marriages, ...

Good decisions/bad decisions

I've made many plenty of bad decisions in life, but also many good ones. The ...

I didn’t realize it until I was already there

Well, another one bites the dust. I'm talking about birthdays. I treated myself to a ...

Joyful Thanksgiving

What a great time our family has had over the past few days. There were twelve of us ...

The Thanksgiving dilemma

I read an interesting take on thanksgiving written by Mike Levin on Fox News ...

Calm yourself

Yesterday I wrote of the many trials that my wife and I were undergoing and how my ...

Don’t let the “Son” catch you crying

Yesterday was not a good day. I encountered problem after problem all day. Two of my ...

Truth reigns over lies

Many politicians and others are trying their utmost to rewrite history. God is ...

Good news-Bad news

Last night was brutal. Just as I was getting ready to retire for the night, my wife ...

Sweetest victory

Yesterday I decided at the last minute to go sit on my deer stand and see if I could ...

Give me a break

A few years back a young lady called me for counseling, or in reality to complain ...

Stormy vs. Tornado

I got delivery of my new black lab last night and he is a handful. So much so that ...


Over the weekend I got the following email: "Bob I am not coming to stir up any ...

Blood lust

One of the most sickening results of our recent election that supersedes by a ...

Don’t take it personally

The midterms are over and yet we still do not know which party won the Senate or the ...

Calms seas

Well, it looks like the red wave was not so much a wave as a gentle ripple. It is ...

Puhleaze hand me a tissue…

I was talking to a couple of friends of mine the other day and they both appeared to ...

Big day tomorrow

So tomorrow we go vote and all the attack ads and rhetoric for congress will subside ...

Miracle saves lives

Several years back I went to Pittsburg for a television interview on Cornerstone TV. ...

Go back to sleep

I recently contracted to have a shop built where it connects with my metal building. ...

Blue Sunday

Sunday my wife and I got ready for church. I was decked out in my Sunday best and ...