I received the following video from a reader. It is a must-watch for you; however, I have recorded the audio from the video as best I could in this post for those who chose to listen in today.
So, I suppose that most of you were as deceived as I was when you watched this hilarious video. Dolly Parton was so believable as she recounted this story. It reminds me of Satan and how the entire world is under his sway. He is even more believable and sadly as a result many of his victims will know everlasting separation from God.
My Bible study partner and I have been studying Revelation and are nearing completion of having read the entire Bible once again. Currently, we are studying the judgment of non-believers and fallen angels who have steadfastly refused to follow Christ and lost everything in the process. The Bible describes the various judgments that will befall humankind in such horrific and vivid detail that any rational person should tremble and weep at what is coming.
I have faced death many times and have never feared it or anything, but you can believe me when I tell you I fear the Lord. Reading these passages takes my breath away and I find myself clinging to Jesus as I read of the destruction which lies ahead. I wish I possessed the words to awaken those who stumble through life carefree and unaware of what is in store for them . . .
Prophecy tells us that Satan will deceive many. If we are to look around, we see hordes of people today who state they don’t believe in Satan or hell or even God and heaven. I’ve even had some lost souls tell me they wanted to go to hell because their many friends and “interesting” people will be there. They would rather spend time with them than a bunch of Jesus freak nerds. It is obvious to me that they have not read the Bible and especially Revelation. Satan has deceived them just like he did with Eve and the apple followed by Adam and so many who came after them.
Unfortunately, the punch line to this story will not be as humorous as the one told by Dolly Parton. No one will be laughing as judgment after judgment is unleashed on the world. There will be no escape, even suicide will not work as many try to take their own lives but are incapable of dying. There is no escaping the torment they must endure for their disbelief.
The Bible tells us that many antichrists and false prophets will appear in the Last Days, and they will deceive many people. This is happening today. We are told to put on the full armor of God daily. We are in a war for our souls, and we need spiritual protection. The Bible tells us if we draw near to God, he will draw near to us.
Do it.
1 Peter 5:8
Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in your faith and in the knowledge that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kinds of suffering . . .