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250 lb. Bobcat
One day when I was a young man I was relaxing around the swimming pool at the ...
Mother of all wars
It is very interesting watching the news these days and seeing prophecies that were ...
Below is a reader submission. This is particularly meaningful for me at this time, ...
Northern Lights
I was watching You Tube TV the other night and a moment of Zen appeared on the ...
Bernard Levin once said: "Countries like ours are full of people who have all of the ...
The Bible
The Bible is "God breathed" and was authored and inspired in its entirety by the ...
I had a weird dream the other night and I cannot get it out of my mind. I dreamed I ...
One of our readers asked me to address a prediction made by Nostradamus that has ...
Hard case
One time I had a reader write me a series of letters and started it by saying that I ...
Ping pong
Recently I offered some advice to someone who is going through a very difficult time ...
Thinking of God
There is a traditional Jewish tale that is interesting, it goes like this:
God said ...
I read recently that over 100 billion emails are sent each day. (That's more than ...
Friends forever
A good friend called me this week and just wanted to thank me for writing Words for ...
Taxi may never come
I went fishing the other day which is not unusual in itself, but this trip was very ...
What is a Christian?
As of the early 21st century, Christianity has approximately 2.2 billion ...
A gentleman wrote and asked, "How did you know that what you wrote about in Words ...
Well inauguration day is finally here. Trump will undo all of Biden's mistakes and ...
Gummy Bear dilemma
One time my wife and I took a late evening flight to Atlanta. Prior to departure I ...
Love God with your tithe
Paul talked about God's greatest gift in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. He mentioned many ...
I get feedback letters from Words for the Day most every day, I've received many ...
Keep the faith
Unfortunately very few people escape discouragement. I heard a story the other day ...
Wrong funeral
Sometimes good times can come out of bad times as demonstrated by the ...
Lecturing Einstein
Recently I was on a television talk show and shared my testimony. The producer sent ...
California fires
I watched much of the coverage on the monster fires yesterday and my heart goes out ...
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