November 16, 2020 – Click here to listen
The other day I went down to Key West and went through an old cemetery. It was quite interesting to read the inscriptions on the headstones. Some dated back to the 1800’s. By far the one that I enjoyed the most is pictured here:
Note the inscription: The Adventure Continues – Captain Bob. If I wasn’t going to be cremated and have my ashes spread in the ocean, I would use this one myself. It fits perfectly with my outlook on what comes next after taking my last breath. This could be my epitaph and I’m even a certified boat captain to boot, so Captain Bob is appropriate too.
I do view life as one huge adventure. I can truthfully say that I’ve lived life to its fullest. I used to dwell on and lament my early sin-filled life in the dark days when I lived far from God. The Lord has since pointed out to me that I did survive those bad times and He used those experiences to help shape my entire life to the point that I have been able to serve a higher purpose.
One example, I was in a horrific car crash and very nearly died. Today I don’t dwell much on the months of excruciating pain from those broken bones and operations, but vividly remember being suicidal as I thought of how low I’d sunk in life and suddenly my outlook completely changed to one of hope. I read a Bible in an attempt to disprove it and if I hadn’t had the car crash, I’m sure I wouldn’t have read it to help pass the time. But importantly it was through that reading that I was wonderfully filled with God’s Spirit and my life began to be transformed.
All adventures are in reality filled with ups and downs and the older you get the downs should be drowned out by the ups. As you think back on your life, push aside the downs and just remember the ups. I could tell story after amazing story of things that have happened in my life for hours on end. One of my best friends ever, Jack – “Murf the Surf” – Murphy, was the same. Get us both together and it was a marathon of astounding things that happened to us along the way and we laughed for hours on end. It still gives me chills to see how God worked behind the scenes in both of our lives.
As I look back on 2020 it has been yet another adventure and it’s not over yet. Many tend to dwell on the terrible things that have happened such as Covid19, the election, the riots, and natural disasters galore, but I tend to look at it as just another adventure that God has allowed me to experience with the highlight being blessed enough to move back to the Florida Keys. I don’t know where things will go next, but I have faith that God is in full command and has a good plan for me and all of those who love Him.
My advice is look at life as an adventure with the best yet to come. We will have highs and we will have lows, but the adventure will never end. As for me I can’t wait to enjoy the greatest of all adventures to get to heaven and see all of those things that “eye has not seen, or ear ever heard” and see the glory of God lighting up heaven and learn the extent of His creation and incredible Universe. Until then we have a unique one time opportunity to experience life on this planet and we should make the most of it.
Psalm 37:1
Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this . . .