Evil disappears













November 13, 2020 – Click here to listen

So yesterday some friends drove down to Key West with us and we enjoyed some good food and listened to some live music last night. We were the only people in the place not drinking alcohol, but we compensated the waitress heavily for our Cokes and waters. It was great to relax and enjoy life for a change.

This morning we are going to putter around some and then head back to the “grind.” After all the weather should be cooperative enough to fish by tomorrow. I’m still praying every day for our nation. I don’t know if God will rescue us from those who have only evil in their hearts or if He has determined our prayers are too little too late.

I have faith in Him in either scenario and have decided that there is no reason for me to go running around like my hair is on fire chanting woe is me. I voted and I continue to pray and I have faith in God. I have signed numerous petitions and have talked about the elections and the consequences of electing a radical Democrat in WFTD until I’m blue in the face. I’ve done all my position in life will allow to fight the evil that is upon us, but in the end, God is appropriately the only One who can save us.

To be sure God is listening and sometimes it prompts Him to forego His righteous judgment and there are countless examples of His direct intervention recorded in the Bible. I have faith that the election could be turned on its heels if He is willing.

But what if He is not? Then do as Jesus did and accept it.

When will we know His decision? After the Trump team has concluded its court battles for a fair counting of the votes of not only the Presidential race but for the Senate.

In the meantime just keep praying but relax and quit worrying about it. God is on the throne and He has a good plan for His children that He loves. We all face situations that try our patience on a daily basis: the kids are climbing the walls, traffic is horrible, you’re stuck on hold with customer service, and the WIFI is slow. When times are hard, it’s even more difficult to persevere with a good attitude. Sometimes even a “Keep Calm and Carry On” poster isn’t enough to get your mind right, and you need to turn to a more reputable source: the Bible. We already know how things end for us followers of Christ. So keep the faith . . .

Eccl. 7:8
The end of something is better than its beginning. 

Have a great weekend and go to church this Sunday!





