Strange looking Mennonite?













I attended a Mennonite church fundraising event in Sarasota a few weeks back that was raising money for their extensive prison ministry effort. I noticed a nicely dressed attractive black woman who looked totally out of place at this event. Most of the women were wearing bonnets and floor length cotton dresses, but this gal looked like she just came from Madison Avenue in NYC. She kept looking at me and smiling and I thought she looked familiar, but could not remember where I’d seen her.

The bands and singing groups they had at this event were simply terrific and I enjoyed every minute of their performances and hated to see it end, but alas it came to a close. As I stood to exit the black lady came over to me and asked if I remembered her. I smiled and told her I’d been trying to figure that out ever since I saw her sitting over there.

She said, “Let me give you a hint, the last time we saw each other we were standing around the grand piano in the foyer of your home and I was singing Amazing Grace for you”.

“That’s it!” I exclaimed. It was Sheila Ray, daughter of legendary Ray Charles. She, her husband, sister, and brother in law had come to visit me at Honey Lake. They sang one of the most beautiful versions of my favorite song, Amazing Grace, that I’d ever heard and several other songs right in my home. She gave me a big hug and I found out she was living in Sarasota too, and we vowed to break bread together sometime soon.

Sheila Ray has a fascinating testimony whereby she was abandoned by Ray Charles and subsequently fell into drug addiction and all the pain and misery that accompanies it. Through the grace of God, she broke free of her addictions and began to lead a life of evangelism whereby she is using the gift of singing that she inherited from her daddy Ray Charles to perform all over the world. Unfortunately, her famous father, Ray Charles, could not do the same with his heroin addiction and she has a riveting story about their rocky relationship throughout her life.

Inmate Encounter is holding a prison ministry event on the 17-18 of this month in several correctional facilities near Tallahassee. Sheila agreed to go in with us and give her testimony to the women in Gadsden Correctional unit and then go to the men ‘s unit later that afternoon. Then on Sunday Feb. 19th at 11:00 a.m. she is going to raise up her beautiful voice to praise the Lord and offer her testimony along with a few words from me at beautiful Honey Lake Church. I would like to invite you to join us and be blessed. I’ve heard her testimony and it is riveting. I’ve heard her sing and it is glorious.

Sheila Ray is currently performing in Germany and will not arrive back into the United States until the day before we leave for Tallahassee. With the time change and an exhaustive performance schedule, it seemed unlikely that she would be able to attend. When I called and asked her to come, she could have easily and justifiably said no and state she would need to rest, but she didn’t hesitate. In fact, she was full of excitement and joy at having an opportunity to lift up the Lord and impact other lives for Christ.

It is my sincere hope that many of you will have the same enthusiasm to make the effort to come see Sheila Ray and bring a friend, especially anyone you might know who might be struggling. Her story is one of victory despite incredible obstacles that would make most anyone’s hair stand on end. It is inspiring and fascinating.

Psalm 95:1

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

Have a great weekend and why not get a jump on it and attend Honey Lake Church this Sunday too. If you cannot, then please go to church somewhere.

February 10 2017 – Click here to listen





