Phobias gone wild!













Well it finally happened and I’m pleasantly surprised. Conservatives are organizing massive pro-Trump rallies to show support for our President. According to Breitbart on Feb. 27 and March 4, the rallies – dubbed the “Spirit of America Rallies”  – will spring up nationwide in cities and towns across America. In the works are states as far-flung as Arizona, Georgia, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, New Jersey, Ohio, South Carolina, and Washington state – as well as other states. Check out the Spirit of America website for more information.

If at all possible, I will attend one or more rally and I hope you will as well. The hardcore progressive leftist bully professional protestors have been repeatedly railing against President Trump in the most violent manner, and it’s about time that the silent majority take a public stand and let our views be known.

I have no doubt these peaceful protests will be a sharp contrast from the obscenity laced, vulgar, and lawless displays of those who hate this country and those who love God, America, and freedom.

Unfortunately, I fear that, similar to the pro-life march in Washington D.C. the liberal press will ignore the rallies no matter their size, or more likely portray the participants as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, deplorable bigots.

What they don’t tell you is that they are Christianophobic and that this phobia is larger than any of the phobias and on the rise in America and worldwide with Christians being the most persecuted people group of all.

I saw an article by George Yancey in Christianity Today in which he wrote: “…anti-Christian hostility is certainly real, captured by the American National Election Studies, which include questions about animosity toward various social groups. About one third of respondents rated conservative Christians significantly lower (by at least one standard deviation) than other religious and racial groups.

The only group to fare worse was atheists, who received low rankings from nearly half the respondents. But while atheists drew more global hostility than any other group, the negative rankings for conservative Christians came from a disproportionate number of white, highly educated, politically progressive, and wealthy respondents . . . As a sociologist whose research focuses on race and religion, I was curious to know more about cultural progressive activists, individuals who oppose the political agenda of conservative Christians, and their views on the Christian Right. In 2009, I conducted an online survey of nearly 4,000 people who tended to fall into this politically progressive, highly educated, white and wealthy demographic.

Their attitudes reflected the negativity toward Christians found in earlier research, with some particularly extreme and troubling remarks. Responding to open-ended questions, they said:

  • “Churches and houses of religion should be designated as nuclear test zones.”
  • “Kill them all, let their god sort them out.”
  • “The only good Christian is a dead Christian.”

I cannot determine by my data the percentage of Americans with such a level of vitriol, but judging by the comments, it’s not a trivial amount . . . From this research, I wrote my latest book, So Many Christians, So Few Lions, the title itself inspired by several respondents who joked about feeding Christians to lions.

The “fear” part of this definition of Christianophobia came from respondents who saw conservative Christians as a dark force seeking to take over society and impose Christian rule. For example, some envisioned conservative Christians as similar to the Taliban or Nazis…”

According to one respondent, “I believe they seek to impose a theocracy on a secular nation, sort of a Christian Taliban.” This comment also indicates the frequent fear among my respondents that conservative Christians want a theocracy. One respondent stated, “Their agenda seems to include making America a theocracy, which frightens me, as it would take us back to the Dark Ages politically, culturally, educationally, and morally.” This fear ignores the reality that conservative Christians have the same desire to influence the public square as other social groups.

To Americans hostile toward Christianity, adherents fall into two categories: foolish, ignorant followers and manipulative leaders. For example, one of my respondents stated that Christians “pretend to be under attack from mysterious forces of evil by way of secularists, but this is merely a convenient boogie-man invoked to make their followers send them money and to make them appear as victims.” These stereotypes offer insight into those with Christianophobia, their concerns over Christian takeover, and their desire to limit Christian influence.

…to crystallize the current conflict in our society between conservative Christians and those with hatred toward them. Christians face economically, educationally, and socially powerful individuals who seek to drive them from the public square. Many with Christianophobia are convinced that conservative Christians will drag our society back into the Dark Ages and must be stopped with any measure that cannot be defined as overt religious bigotry.

An important challenge for Christians is to convince such individuals that they have the same rights to influence the public square as anyone else. Learning how to communicate, and hopefully find ways to co-exist, with them will help determine whether there will be a persistent cultural conflict or if a truce is possible.”

Hmmm… I bet you didn’t realize that so much hatred exists towards you as a Christian. It is clear that our work is cut out for us. The single most effective thing would be to bring God’s message of truth, peace, joy, and unconditional love to these people. Obviously sin and evil – right and wrong and consequences derived from them has no meaning to many of them at the moment. They lack basic biblical training.

The Bible doesn’t talk about “boogie men”, rather powerful evil fallen angels and centers of wickedness in high places whose goal is to keep these individuals on the same track they are currently headed towards hell where they will suffer forever!

I for one feel compassion towards these people. You might find it hard to love them, but Jesus Christ made it crystal clear that He doesn’t want a single person to perish. We can change attitudes by countering the propaganda that has been ingrained in them through powerful media, arts and entertainment, academia, and government that has been dominated too long by those whose perverted worldview yields nothing but pain derived from a Godless existence.

What can you do? Pray and attend a rally or two, support those organizations that are promoting a biblical worldview and preaching the Gospel, (good news). Visit the websites of organizations like, (you guessed it), the Jesus Alliance and support them. Alone, we will not make much progress; however together we can do anything – why we can even move mountains.

Don’t just sit on the sidelines. Get involved.

Matt. 28:19

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit . . .

February 9 2017 – Click here to listen





