Kicking butt relieves depression













So, my good friend Jack – “Murf the Surf” – Murphy told me yesterday that I had depressed him with yesterday’s Words for the Day concerning the trials that have occurred in my life over the last couple of years.


I told him he should hold off taking Valium or Zoloft for his depression for now and be greatly encouraged by the underlying message of what I wrote.

There is no question that my trials and tribulation began when I founded the Jesus Alliance. As the ministry has grown, so has the intensity of the satanic oppression that has descended upon my life. Now if I were to focus on my trials and suffering, I might agree with my buddy; however, I choose to focus on the fact that I must be doing something right or Satan wouldn’t bother with me.

Murf’s encouragement should be that despite my trials, I haven’t quit working on the Jesus Alliance and Satan surely knows that this organization is going to kick his butt and cause mayhem by upsetting his plans for years to come.

I think God chose me for this task because He knew that as founder of the ministry I would come under intense attack, and undoubtedly, He knows I’m not a quitter, even in the face of extreme adversity. And before you think I’m boasting, please understand this is not due to anything special about me in any shape, form, or fashion. My strength is insufficient but His is sufficient for all things. My strength is proportional to my unswerving faith in Jesus Christ and my love for him which enables me to keep fighting “until the last dog dies” right up to the day He calls me home.

Some of you out there do not believe in Satan much less his involvement in our daily lives. I know this because surveys by Barna and others routinely publish results from their many polls that provide ample testimony to the fact that many “Christians” don’t believe in Satan to include some “preachers”.

Ugh! It is a New Age approach that is dangerous. We need to know that we are battling with powerful evil entities who live in an unseen spiritual world. Ephesians 6:12 – For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

So, either the Bible is a lie or demons exist and they are our enemies who work 24/7 to destroy us.

I ask you to join me in this fight. To quote Paul “I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened by Jesus, so that you may know the hope of His calling upon you. There is no reason to fear for there is nothing that is not under His control . . . And God put everything under His feet and made Him head over everything . . . ”

So, to my dear friend Jack Murphy who is depressed and those with a similar mindset, I ask you to be encouraged.

Matthew Henry wrote a piece that just might help us all when we try to give Satan and his demons too much credit for the powers that are significant but limited by boundaries set by Almighty God:

  • Spiritual strength and courage are needed for our spiritual warfare and suffering
  • The devils assault us in the things that belong to our souls, and labor to deface the heavenly image in our hearts.
  • We must resolve by God’s grace, not to yield to Satan.
  • Resist him, and he will flee. (If we give way, he will gain ground.)
  • There can be no religion without sincerity.
  • The righteousness of Christ implanted in us, fortifies the heart against the attacks of Satan.
  • Motives to obedience, amidst trials, must be drawn from a clear knowledge of the gospel.
  • Faith is being “all in” in the hour of temptation.
  • Faith, as relying on unseen objects, receiving Christ and the benefits of redemption, and so deriving grace from Him, is like a shield, a defense every way.
  • The devil is the wicked one.
  • Violent temptations, by which the soul is set on fire of hell, are darts Satan shoots at us.
  • Faith applying the word of God and the grace of Christ, quenches the darts of temptation.
  • A good hope of salvation, a Scriptural expectation of victory, will purify the soul, and keep it from being defiled by Satan.
  • To the Christian armed for defense in battle, Paul recommends only one weapon of attack; but it is enough, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. It subdues and mortifies evil desires and blasphemous thoughts as they rise within; and answers unbelief and error as they assault from without.
  • There are other duties of religion, and of our stations in the world, but we must keep up times of prayer.
  • We must pray with all kinds of prayer, public, private, and secret; social and solitary; solemn and sudden: with all the parts of prayer; confession of sin, petition for mercy, and thanksgiving for favors received. And we must do it by the grace of God the Holy Spirit, in dependence on, and according to, his teaching.
  • We must pray, not for ourselves only, but for all saints. Our enemies are mighty, and we are without strength, but our Redeemer is almighty, and in the power of his mighty we may overcome. Wherefore we must stir up ourselves. Have not we, when God has called, often neglected to answer? Let us think upon these things, and continue our prayers with patience.

Be encouraged. There are many battles in life but we know with certainty that the war will be won by those who love Jesus. It is difficult indeed to be depressed when armed with this knowledge that comes directly from Holy Scripture.

Luke 21:18

And you will be hated by everyone because of My name. Yet not even a hair of your head will perish. By your patient endurance, you will gain your souls . . .

February 8 2017 – Click here to listen





