I love to fish far offshore and have done so for many years. I have taken many novices fishing and it is interesting how they cannot distinguish a sure enough storm from ordinary – everyday rain showers.
Early in the morning when departing from the dock when one of my beginner friends would scan the horizon, invariably they would see some large thunderheads off in the distance and it would look stormy complete with some rain showers and even lightening. They would look to me with apprehension and question whether or not we were going to be able to safely go fishing.
I would quickly dispel their fears that it was normal to see some thunderheads and showers early in the morning and they would quickly burn off before we ever got offshore. The same held true late in the afternoon. Showers would pop up here and there from the afternoon heat, but it would not be a major storm coming and we could easily avoid them.
A true boat captain who has been offshore myriads of times knows the difference between a dangerous storm approaching and a few showers that can easily be maneuvered around. If a true storm is headed towards them, these captains prepare for it as best they know how.
Well we have a dangerous storm approaching and I fear our populace cannot even see it. It is a Christian persecution storm coming, and the signs are already appearing, and in just a few weeks there will be an election and our course will be set. Frankly I don’t know how to prepare for it, aside from prayer and that is what I’m doing.
What brought this to mind this morning was the latest release of a WikiLeaks document in which a top spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign mocked Catholics and evangelical Christians in a 2011 email exchange.
As noted by the Fox News channel “The Kelly File”, Jennifer Palmieri, now the Clinton campaign’s director of communications, says that politically conservative Catholics “think Roman Catholicism is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals.”
Palmieri was responding to a message from John Halpin, a fellow at the Soros founded, liberal think tank, Center for American Progress. Halpin remarked on a magazine article that discussed 21st Century Fox CEO Rupert Murdoch’s decision to raise his children in the Catholic faith.
“Ken Auletta’s latest piece on Murdoch in the New Yorker starts off with the aside that both Murdoch and Robert Thompson, managing editor of the Wall Street Journal, are raising their kids Catholic,” Halpin wrote. “Friggin’ Murdoch baptized his kids in Jordan where John the Baptist baptized Jesus.”
“It’s an amazing bastardization of the faith,” Halpin added. “They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.”
This stimulated this response from Karl Rove: “They mock deeply held beliefs. They mock the idea that two conservative Catholics would have their children baptized in the same river where John the Baptist baptized Jesus,” Rove added. “I mean; this is really amazing that they would mock them. What Christians wouldn’t consider it a blessing to be able to afford to baptize their children in the Jordan River? This is so insensitive . . . I’m gonna say that it’s insensitive, but it strikes me that it really borders on bigotry, religious bigotry.”
Well it is bigotry and Christians haven’t seen anything yet. This same Clinton spokesperson railed against persecuting Muslims and yet hammers a Christian, (in this case a Roman Catholic), for deeply held religious beliefs and belittles evangelicals as being severely backwards, and this is Hillary’s spokesperson???
Mark my words if Hillary gets elected, persecution of Christians, particularly evangelicals, will rise demonstrably. The Holy Bible will be labeled hate speech for such things as revealing the sin of homosexuality, and those who preach it will be prosecuted. Words for the Day and others like it will likely be shut down and I could be imprisoned, because I believe the Bible to be the inerrant word of God and will not be muzzled.
If you think this is hysteria or hype, just look north to Canada where it is already occurring to include making it a hate crime to preach directly verbatim from the Bible from the pulpit. The same thing happened in Nazi Germany when the Lutheran church basically ended up removing the Old Testament from the Bible in order to appease Hitler and his insane desire to rid the world of all Jews. The people went along with it. Ugh!
Will apathetic citizens willingly go along with the secularization of America and persecution of Christians? Probably, check this out:
- One headline yesterday mentioned the likelihood that President Obama would heed a directive from the UN to divide Israel, a sovereign country and our only ally in the region, against their will and he is leaning towards doing so.
- All statues, crosses, and religious emblems are being systematically removed from any public settings
- Firemen, college and high school professors, military personnel, police officers and others who publicly make their views on faith known are fired
- Schools are being forced to allow Muslims to pray five times per day, but Christians are refused that right even after hours
The storm is not only approaching, it is here. Just like a hurricane drawing strength from warm waters it is intensifying, and when Hillary feeds it by appointing ultra-liberal judges, look for partial birth abortion, gender radicalism/terrorism, increased persecution of Christians, governmental takeover of key businesses like was done by Obama in healthcare, and removal of guns just for starters.
This is a dangerous storm, but like the days of Noah no one seems to want to listen. Sigh . . .
I suppose that we can take solace in knowing that history repeats itself and one of God’s spokesmen gave us some good advice on the issue of serving the idols and gods of secular society versus our Father in heaven. I’m with Joshua!
Joshua 24:15
“If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
October 12 2016 – Click here to listen