14 million lemmings going over the cliff













It is disheartening to watch the unraveling of our country. It is even more disheartening to see countless people being manipulated and led to slaughter akin to lemmings going over the cliff. Dr. Lance Wallnau who happened to be in Jerusalem yesterday wrote the following:

“As I flipped on the internet and took in the current news happening in America I could not help but get all fired up! The devil is bent on dismantling the Christian vote in 2016 and Pastors and conservative leaders are themselves defecting from the battle. It’s madness!

Did you know evangelicals make up 27% of registered voters? Add devout Catholics and it is 37%! Together we are the largest, most vibrant, and most dynamic single constituency in the electorate today; a larger force than the Latino, the African-American, and all Unions combined.

BUT nearly 14 million of us are thinking of sitting this election out!”

Ugh 14 million lemmings blindly following each other into oblivion. It reminds me of them also sitting out the election and refusing to vote for Romney because he’s a Mormon. Obama was elected and hell was unleashed.

Some think statements like this are dumb, but they are too stubborn or ignorant to understand that there is an orchestrated plan to destroy everything the 1st amendment, (freedom of religion) stands for. Check it out:

PoliZette online magazine reports The releases of Podesta’s emails by WikiLeaks are indeed the smoking gun. In the article a liberal left wing activist, Sandy Newman, and Hillary’s campaign manager, John Podesta, are discussing how to subvert the Catholic church.

Newman, who is Jewish, admits he does not know much about the Catholic Church and isn’t volunteering personally to subvert Catholic teachings. “Even if the idea isn’t crazy, I don’t qualify to be involved and I have not thought at all about how one would ‘plant the seeds of the revolution,’ or who would plant them.”

In response, Podesta assures Newman to rest easy for he and his progressive pals have already created organizations explicitly designed to infiltrate the Catholic Church with progressive ideology, though he cautions that the time may not be right for full revolution — just yet.

“We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now; likewise, Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up,” Podesta writes.

They refer to their plot as the “Catholic Spring” a takeoff on the “Arab Spring” revolution that occurred all over the Middle East in which governments were overthrown implying that the Catholic Church would suffer the same fate.

The Clinton campaign has many such assaults on our freedom including hundreds of its staff working 24/7 searching the Internet trying to dig up dirt on Trump, the media is likewise doing their best to destroy him, as are Google and Facebook. And they are finding that Mr. Trump has not been a saint.

I ask you Christian conservatives who are refusing to vote for Trump because of morals a simple question: What do you expect a pagan to do? I believe he acted identical to someone who was not a Christian at the time. I didn’t either and neither did you. In fact, I did things far worse as a non-Christian than Trump ever thought about, but when Jesus transformed my life I became a new creature. I confessed my sins and Jesus forgave me, and I tell you that when Donald Trump confessed his sins He forgave him too. Who are you to sit in judgment? Would you like to receive the same unforgiving condemnation you are doling out from Jesus?

The Clintons are verifiably totally corrupt, have moral failings of their own too numerous to mention, they consider “everyday Americans” despicable “deplorables” and “rednecks”, they desire open borders where anyone can enter this country without so much as a passport or visa. Hillary has declared she will change the Supreme Court and make it liberal whereby partial birth abortion and God knows what else will be assured forever. Why is she getting a pass on this behavior?

Is this what Christian conservatives desire? A country that encourages the IRS to go after those who disagree with their policies; a country where its high officials can accumulate a net worth of $250 million dollars without doing anything aside from trading favors?

So-o-o-o disheartening!

Ugh! It is disgusting. A non-vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary Clinton. Sit it out and watch your country get its final nail in the coffin. What makes me so angry at these holier than thou people like Paul Ryan is they take down my children and grandchildren with that smug self-righteous attitude. God help us.

Matt. 7:1

Do not judge, or you will be judged. For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you . . .

October 13 2016 – Click here to listen





