Estate planning extraordinaire













When I was working on my estate planning, I tried to ensure that upon my death, all of my little Williamsons are well provided for and the United States government does not strip away one penny more of my hard earned money than absolutely necessary.

It is not an easy task to do this project. What happens if I die but my wife lives? What happens if we both die? What happens if we both die and all of our children die? What happens if my wife, or one or both of our kids or one or both of their wives or one or more of the grandkids turn into reprobates and run off to South America with an illegitimate lover who deals cocaine? It is a nasty business thinking of various scenarios, death, and all of the “What ifs?

Pleasant or not, the Bible instructs us to think of our own deaths often. We should realize that alas we are after all mere mortals and there will come a day when we will have served our purpose and will die and our spirit will be in this world no more. We should think about what happens next, and I’m not just talking about how to divvy up the loot amongst the loved ones. What happens to us?

If I could leave my loved ones one thing and one thing only, it would be their eternal salvation including their own mansion in heaven. I cannot give them my faith in our Lord and Savior, but I can tell them how they can develop their own faith in almighty God just like I have done and thereby gain their own mansion in heaven. Do you want to leave your loved ones something of tremendous, everlasting value and setup an estate plan so solid that no-one will ever take it away from them? Tell them how they can become a Christian and thereby ensure that they will inherit everything Jesus Christ owns today!

I’m not the only one preparing to take care of my loved ones. Jesus Christ is doing the same thing for His children. The Bible tells us that Jesus stated that He has gone to prepare a place for us; a mansion of unequalled splendor and who knows what else. He has been working on it some 2000 years already and I cannot imagine what it might be like. When it is completed He will return for us and we shall join Him forever in unimaginable glory.

Ever wish you could be an adopted son or daughter of Bill Gates or Warren Buffet? Their wealth is nothing compared to the wealth of Jesus Christ. Best of all it is free for the asking. Become an adopted son or daughter today by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and follow Him forever. There is but one way to inherit the kingdom of God and that is through Jesus Christ.

John 14:6
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.

June 21, 2016 – Click here to listen





