So today I’m flying up to NYC to see “The Donald”. Yeah I know, many of you hate the man Trump. It is interesting to me how the hostile media manipulates so much of what is believed. They’ve joined forces with progressives, socialists, and liberals and if that isn’t enough the right wing establishment politicians (who stand to lose hundreds of millions) if he is elected have hopped into bed with them. What a mighty anti-Trump coalition they have formed.
Not that the Donald hasn’t made some people mad and deserves much ire for some of his off the cuff remarks, but really does anyone believe the 3 looming Supreme Court appointees need to be made by Hillary. No one in the media seems to care about her lies just like they didn’t care about her husband’s lies. She and Bill Clinton picked up a cool $200 million in speaking fees when she was Secretary of State. Do you think just maybe she sold some favors for that?
No one cares about that either.
Is there enough money and power in the world to accommodate them? No they are like a flesh eating disease that doesn’t stop until the organism upon which they have been feeding is dead.
I was talking to a very successful pastor yesterday and I mentioned that one of our Jesus Alliance board members was meeting with the Pope to talk about garnering his help in unifying believers. He launched into a tirade about him being ultra-liberal and said several derogatory things about him that just were not true. We were talking about unity and he portrayed the Pope as being for a one world religion comprised of Roman Catholics and all but made him out to be the antichrist.
It might make good headlines to lambast him, but it just isn’t true. He wants believers of all faiths to band together in order to preach the Gospel to every nation and to help the poor, (I have the actual recordings of him saying this). His interest in non-Christian religions is to help lead them to an understanding of Christ. He is charismatic, believes that redemption can only come through the blood of Christ, and he prays in tongues, and some 6000 Pentecostals laid hands on him and prayed over him before he left for the Vatican.
But you won’t hear that story in the press. Nor will you hear of Trump’s love for his children and their love for him, or the millions he gives to charity, or any of his views in full context, or that he has never smoked, had a drink of alcohol, or tried drugs. Satan and his minions control the press and most of social media. It is amazing to me that believers don’t have any way to get the truth out. We are being fed a daily dose of propaganda and the result is a brainwashed morass of degenerate voters who have ruined our country electing those who will support them and give them free stuff.
I know that it is not politically correct to say such a thing, and that there will be those who write and say I’m ranting. Well I am ranting! And it is a free country for the moment, and I want to rant before they repeal the 1st amendment (right after Hillary and crew repeal the second and remove my gun from my dead body).
The Jesus Alliance is trying to get the truth out but we are woefully underfunded and it seems that those who could help financially are ambivalent or too busy. Our intercessory prayer group declared me discouraged on our last call. I told them I was more frustrated than discouraged, but I suppose I am a little of both. I just hate to see evil winning the battle against good, but I take heart in Scripture. One day God will wither them like the grass in Death Valley . . .
Psalm 92:7
That when the wicked sprouted up like grass And all who did iniquity flourished, It was only that they might be destroyed forevermore.
June 20, 2016 – Click here to listen