










One time a street preacher was preaching to the street people in Jackson Square in the heart of the French Quarter in New Orleans. He was standing on a box preaching away and pounding his Bible with his fist. When I walked by he yelled out at me that if I did not find Jesus I was going to hell. I turned around, walked over to him and hit him hard in the mouth knocking him off his little box. I stood over him with both fists clenched snarling that I would kill him if he didn’t shut his @#*$ mouth.

I have been working very hard on my book lately and recounted this incident to demonstrate the bitterness that was in my heart at this time in my life and to reveal how much I disliked religion and those who espoused it.

I have reached the point in the book where I have finally have found salvation. It is extremely difficult to put into words how merely reading the Bible changed me so dramatically to go from hating religion so much that I would literally punch a preacher out, to actually accepting Christ myself and immediately reflecting back upon that incident and regretting it.

I fear that those who read the book and are not believers themselves will not understand. I’m not sure that I do. That is why I am naming the book, “Miracle on Luckie Street”. It was a miracle for me to find Jesus. How does one understand or explain a miracle?

As I search for a way to better explain what happened, I do not attribute my transformation to merely reading the Bible. I think that the Bible unlocked the power of Christ to penetrate my hard heart and permeated my soul and replaced my earthly “wisdom” with spiritual wisdom. (Realization of God’s way of thinking versus the fleshly way)

I think everyone who ever tried to witness to a lost person faces this same problem. Explaining the power of the cross sounds like foolishness. Unless you personally experience the power of God moving in your heart. It is near impossible to understand.

Please pray for me that I can get this portion of the book right, because it is the solitary reason that I undertook the project in the first place. I do not want to lose the readers at this most critical juncture. It is my hope that they will give it a try in order that they might find the same thing that I did.

The creative consultant who is helping me with this book told me that a good writer should be able to describe anything with words.

Hmmm I’m trying, but I’m not sure that words are adequate to describe how Jesus came into my heart via His holy Word the Bible, and changed me. My consultant who is a professional writer hates to hear me say that too. I am not a professional writer and need that power of God in my writing particularly now at this critical point!

1 Cor. 1:18
For the message of the cross is
foolishness to those who are
perishing, but to us who are being
saved, it is the power of God.



