I went fishing with a friend the other day and when he showed up I was wearing a bandana on my arm. At first he did not say anything but as we slowly made our way through the manatee zone heading towards the Everglades National Park, I guess he couldn’t stand it anymore and he finally asked, “Ok, ok, what’s up with the armband?”
I looked at him with a serious look as though he had lost his mind and replied, “You haven’t heard about Michael Jackson?”
He donned a serious look and desperately looked around the boat, and then I saw his face light up. He reached over and put on a fishing glove with no fingers, put it on his right hand, made a fist and held it in the air and said, “I’m bad!”
You might not think it is funny, but we had a good laugh about it. I suppose it’s not politically correct for two old men to spoof “Jacko”, but for crying out loud the media is making him into a fallen Saint. In fact a Saint probably would not receive such worldwide adulation.
What is a person to think about all of this?
Hmmm I want to blame the media, but they are just serving up what customers want. If there were no ratings for the excessive Jackson coverage, they would find their ratings elsewhere and quickly go right back to covering important stuff like the illicit affairs of officials in high places, Sarah Palin’s daughter getting pregnant,and most importantly our nation’s real American Idols, the Obamas.
Enough has been said about Michael Jackson, but I’ll add my comments anyway. He was wonderfully gifted as a musician and dancer. I read that he sold over 750,000,000 albums. That is a ton or so of money and a lot of fame. From all accounts nothing this world had to offer, (and that money could buy), gave him much happiness, especially the drugs that are reputed to have caused his death.
I don’t know what your feelings are for him, but one thing is certain, Jacko was either revered or reviled by billions of people on this planet, but only one opinion counts now. Just like the rest of us, he will stand all alone before a holy and righteous God and be judged. He will be found guilty of his sins and sentenced to spiritual death and torment in hell forever, UNLESS the precious blood of Jesus Christ covers his sins. If it does he will receive the peace, joy, and happiness that he sought after so hard during his relatively short and tortured life.
The irony is that eternal salvation is free to all who want it. Money cannot buy it. Rich or poor, black, white, brown, yellow, powerful, weak, famous, infamous, whatever; Jesus loves us all and gave up His life for our black sins as His free gift to humanity.
Today He stands at the door to each of our hearts and knocks. Either we allow Him to come into our hearts and accept His free gift of eternal salvation, or we reject it. Jesus died on the cross in order that Michael Jackson, you and I can have the option to live forever in glorious splendor.
It is too late for Michael Jackson to change his decision. Let’s hope that he made the right one and accepted Christ as His Savior and today is using that beautiful voice to glorify His Savior. It is not too late for you. Make the right decision today, before time runs out
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but
the gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord.
I’ll be there
Posted in, Salvation