Clever answer











A friend of mine wrote me not long ago and was all concerned about finding time to get his deer hunting food plot ready for the upcoming deer season. He has 300 acres of hunting property and each year plants one small field in corn and clay peas or similar choice plants that deer like to eat. This is done in order to attract deer for his annual harvest.

He made a big deal about the work involved with it and I wrote him back and told him that I had forty-four deer hunting food plots to plant on my place and it was difficult to generate much sympathy for his struggles with his one plot. It was kind of like telling me he had a toe ache when I’m sitting there with my legs chopped off. I mean please allow me some time to run to the store to buy a box of tissues before this sad story progresses much more. I also could not resist chiding him for being such a tightwad for not planting more food plots.

He wrote me back and told me that at least his decision concerning which food plot to hunt next season would be easier than mine.

Hmmm. He has a point. My situation is far more complex and come to think of it more expensive and will require more work. Methinks he is crazy like a fox.

I do not know why, but it seems I go all out on any project that I tackle. I could plant one food plot in my sleep. I’m in the process of clearing land right now to add three more. Why do I feel compelled to conquer the world every time I engage in a project? Why? Why? Why?

I don’t know. Bigger has always seemed better for me for some reason and I suppose God just created me like that and I should be content with it. I really like the attitude of my friend. Instead of looking from the outside at the larger size of my operation and getting discouraged, he looks at his own and is encouraged. I should do likewise.

I think the same thing holds true for witnessing to others concerning Jesus Christ. Some folks have a small farm and others, like Billy Graham for example, a huge plantation. I am convinced that both are entirely necessary and included in God’s plan for humanity.

If you do not have a worldwide platform to preach the word, don’t be discouraged. Be encouraged at the quality time that you can spend one on one with those around you. I imagine my friend’s one food plot gets far more tender loving care than my 44 plots and correspondingly generates a per acre harvest that far exceeds mine.

This morning spend a few minutes thinking about your farm be it large or small and concentrate on how you can harvest souls for the Lord. More workers are needed and YOU can be one of them.

The Bible states in Matt.9 that Jesus saw the multitudes and was moved with compassion for them because they were sick and diseased, weary and scattered like sheep without a shepherd. Shut your eyes for a moment and envision the world around you. Doesn’t this passage remind you even more so of the people of the world today? You can be a part of doing something about it by becoming a laborer even if it is a tiny little field of one family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker.

Matt. 9:37
Then He said to the disciples,
“The harvest is plentiful, but
the laborers are few.
Therefore pray the Lord of the
harvest to send the laborers into His



