When is enough – Enough?











I was thinking about a friend that I had a few years ago this morning. This guy came from a good family, got a college degree and good job, married a wonderful wife and successfully raised a son and daughter, his health was good as was everyone’s health in his family. Everything was just peachy with him except he was so depressed that he had to see a shrink. Hmmm What was his problem?

His problem was that he was miserable because he did not have more and more, and more, and more. He was a sales person for a pharmaceutical company and was good at it and was probably in the top ten percentile income level in the United States; however most of his clients were doctors and made more money. They had some stuff that he did not have.

I talked to him a lot about this in an effort to cheer him up. I told him about all of the people in the world that did not have enough to eat, poor health, divorce, tragedy in their lives, no home to live in, clothes to wear, or even a simple thing like a telephone, I talked to him about being blessed enormously with his terrific family and even his God who bought and paid for his salvation with the blood of Christ; however he told me that he did not care about hearing all of that and especially those poor people around the world he only cared about his personal “dilemma”. His shrink said he was depressed to the point of being suicidal. Good grief!

Sigh. When is enough, enough? How it must grieve God to see the blessings that He has bestowed on some of us be taken for granted and ignored. Yes the stock market is bad, and yes the economy is bad, and no, “everything” does not always go our way, but count your blessings my friends. We ALL have plenty for which to be thankful if we will just look for it, and we should all get down on our knees and let our Savior know that we appreciate it especially as we enter the season to celebrate the birth of our risen Savior, Jesus Christ

Think about the spiritual today and the salvation that you do not deserve and I do not deserve that was handed to us on a silver plate. That should cheer you up; especially if you think that you will spend eternity with God in heaven, provided that you have accepted His sacrifice.

When is enough – enough? When Jesus was on the cross and stated, “It is finished”. Now my brothers and sisters, that is enough for enough! There is no need to be depressed about anything. Smile real big now!

Romans 8:6
For to be carnally minded is
death, but to be spiritually minded
is life and peace.



