Modern day revelation













Many readers have wondered why I resumed writing WFTD five days a week. Well, it is because I fear the Lord and every indication is that He does not want me to retire just yet. Fear in the bible could be translated respect rather than being afraid. I respect the Lord God my Savior 100%. I know that He has the power over life and death, and He wanted to demonstrate it with me.

After undergoing two brain surgeries and then being completely restored I cannot help but believe He left me on this earth because the purpose for which I was created has not been fulfilled. One might say I went to heaven’s door only to be told to go back and do some more. I racked my brain trying to discern what He wanted me to do. Return to writing Words for the Day, resume my Bible study with my pal in Tallahassee, and write a book about my accident all instantly popped into my mind. Since I cannot sit down face to face to get my instructions directly from the Father, I am doing what I think He might want me to accomplish.

In addition to writing Words for the Day I decided to write a book about it. Observers who were in my hospital room viewed me as being in a comatose-like state where I was in a deep sleep, but if they could have gone inside my head they would have seen what I was seeing which is quite involved, at times frightening, and yet fascinating. I call it my “dreamworld” and have detailed most of it in the book. I remember it as if I dreamed it last night almost verbatim.

Many have experienced one near death experience and have written a book about it. I have lived through thirteen, so I finally decided to write a book about it. LOL . . . I did not see a mysterious light, I wasn’t in a tunnel, I did not come out of my body and hover over the surgeons. In fact, I don’t remember anything about the two operations and the week before I had the surgeries. One of my sons said he was happy that I didn’t remember because it was a terrible time. I do remember the dreams and have asked my wife if all these things actually happened and of course none had occurred.

I was in ICU for two weeks and when I finally opened my eyes again I couldn’t speak and was paralyzed on my right side. I made a miraculous recovery and was walking unassisted in less than a week. I was lucid and had perfect control over my thoughts and speech, good balance and coordination. I am left with a light tremor in my right hand which the therapist said should go away within six months.

I have a thankful heart because I did not want to leave this earth for a while. I have too many things left to do. Admittedly most were for my wife and I and our enjoyment and I’m ashamed of that. I was leaving God behind. Not anymore! I put God first in my life and everything else behind that.

I believe that some folks said this was a “come to Jesus” moment. It was for me . . .

Luke 10:27
And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind





