Ain't it hard . . .













July 25, 2022 – Click here to listen

Consider that not that long ago, (1973) Spiro Agnew got in some serious trouble and resigned. Nixon promptly appointed Gerald Ford as Vice President. Then Nixon got into serious trouble of his own and resigned, and Gerald Ford became President. Not a vote was cast. Subsequently Ford pardoned Nixon for his crimes of Watergate.

Today the Democrats have finally come to the realization that Joe and Kamala won’t be re-elected in 2024. What’s next?

A very wealthy and influential group led by George Soros as the Chairman approaches Kamala. They tell her, “The world needs you to save the planet by organizing unions and we’ll pay you $50 million to work on it fulltime”. She thinks about it for all of ten seconds, her eyes light up and she laughs wildly and promptly resigns. Joe is told by the Soros led coalition to step down and appoint Gavin Newsome as Vice President. He blankly looks at them as he eats an ice cream cone and decides the prudent thing to do is to step down due to “health issues” and Gavin Newsome is appointed President without a vote being cast. Who does he appoint as Vice President? Soros says appoint Stacy Abrams. Gavin appoints her VP next day. Then President Newsome pardons the entire Biden family.

A reader asked if I like conspiracy theories and sent me the foregoing which I edited slightly. For those of you hoping to see Hunter Biden and the entire lot of Bidens prosecuted, as they say in the New York and New Jersey, “fuhgeddaboudit”. We live in an age of injustice. Nancy Pelosi and her husband recently got a lot richer buying stock just prior to congressional hearings that will mean a huge increase in its value. If we practiced insider trading we go to jail, she just gets richer.

Leona Helmsley, nicknamed the “Queen of Mean” by the press, received a four-year prison sentence, 750 hours of community service, and a $7.1 million tax fraud fine in New York. For many, Helmsley became the object of loathing and disgust when she quipped that “only the little people pay taxes.” Times were different back then (it happened in 1989). Today she would probably be elected mayor of NYC.

One day God will administer justice. He will show no favorites and the sword will fall on the evil in our midst. For all of us who are weary the Bible tells us to be patient for just a while longer. Ain’t it hard to do though. The Bible also tells us to do the impossible and that is to pray for them, (without Him it would be impossible, but we can do all things through Him – Phil. 4:13). For me I want to follow every word of the Bible, but I argue with myself and just say I cannot when it comes to this. I mouth the words, but my heart is not in it. How about you?

I want the peaceful and quiet life – Godly and dignified in every way, but ugh praying for these power-hungry corrupt evil people? I looked back at the dark days of my youth this morning and I realized I was evil and worse than most of them. During the heat of the battle, I believe angels were praying for me and my mother too. It is hypocritical not to pray for them, but what can I say – I have a long way to go.

1 Timothy 2:1
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.





