May 19, 2021 – Click here to listen
My wife and I were both sick and feeling lousy a while back and I mentioned it in Words for the Day. A so-called “friend” responded and sarcastically told me that my little pity party was so moving that he felt sorry for me and that it was all he could do to keep from sending me flowers.
As I read this my first reaction was that I would like nothing better than to maul this guy’s smiling face for trying to kick me when I’m down, but one of my goals was and is today is to ignore my detractors and leave the vengeance to the Lord as the Bible instructs me to do. This is totally out of character for me and my instinct is to gouge out one of his eyes and see if he goes somewhere and has a little pity party of his own, but I’m trying to do better.
I think some of the toughest commands that the Lord ordains are the ones that make us go against our fallen natures. There are many forces in this world that we do not understand working against us and against the Gospel for that matter. We cannot possibly begin to think how to fight them other than take the advice given to us in the Bible.
Duh . . .
We are told to do what is contrary to the fleshly nature when it comes to preserving dignity, reputation and other things in the face of personal attacks. We are told that blessed are the peace-makers and to turn the other cheek. God will provide many opportunities for us to make peace instead of war with our enemies and He no doubt tests us on this difficult front. Fighting our inherent nature is entirely consistent with our genuine love and pure faith in Christ. It is this spirit that can cause a hardened heart to turn towards the truth and be saved!
So our quest to serve in love and peace is not just towards our brothers and sisters it is also towards the world, particularly to those who are more difficult to serve. i.e. The dude who wrote me. I believe that true faith shines like a sparkling beautiful light and causes peace to disperse amongst the people and is what being a Christian is really all about.
Oh but some folks make it so difficult to do. I admit there are times I would like nothing better than to bend my antagonist’s fingers back until they cry like a little baby, but Jesus tells me that instead I should be smiling right now at his caddy remarks. Sigh . . . I have so far to go in my walk. Even after writing this I have to admit when thinking about the inspirational verse below and envisioning his hair turning crispy critter and catching on fire I smile.
Proverbs 25:21
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.