Bubble in a bunker













November 19, 2020 – Click here to listen

A friend of mine sent me the following statistics and a general public safety warning for the public:

“Number of deaths due to accident this year: 240,584. Due to COVID? 240,796 – CDC statistics

OMG – Warning Alert: Shelter in place, accidents are out of control!  Everyone is required to wear a helmet & body armor and stay at home.  Close the churches for humanity’s sake!”

While this might seem just a wee bit sarcastic, the satire is applicable. We live in a nation with 350 million citizens and who knows how many illegal immigrants. Any death due to Covid is a tragedy but take a breath and put these figures in context. How far are we willing to go to protect every last person? Should we all live in a bubble in a bunker?

I read some interesting statistics this morning. Noted pastor Jim Garlow said: “There are approximately 364,000 churches in America: 72%, or 264,000 of them, are liberal, meaning that they really don’t care about the Bible. According to exhaustive surveys, somewhere between 6,000 and 15,000 actually have a bona fide biblical worldview, that is, they see life through the lens of Scripture.”

Did you catch that? Nearly 72% of churches don’t look to the Bible as their final source of authority and direction. No wonder America is crumbling from within—the foundation is deteriorating.

He went on to say, “Bold pastors are nearly extinct. It would be much easier ‘to play church’ and make everyone feel good. The church—as we now know it—will be functionally illegal very soon.” A video accompanied this article and he stated in the video that far too many pastors are more interested in “nickels and noses” than boldly preaching the Gospel. I read just yesterday where mega pastor Andy Stanley was bad mouthing Trump for divisiveness, saying he should be more inclusive to get more people to church.

For what? So they can tithe and be counted? To hear him state that the Bible is not to be taken literally and parts were written by old men who don’t reflect God’s views today?

Most pastors want to go along with whatever comes down the pipe. If the government says to close down their church, like an obedient lamb going to slaughter, they will obey and keep their mouths shut. If they are ever allowed to reopen one can be assured, they will be politically correct and refuse to say anything considered controversial and go against the modern-day societal norms and mores. In short, they will refuse to preach the Bible as it is written.

Are these pastors embracing sins like abortion and gay marriage in the name of inclusiveness and getting more people to church or in obedience to authorities?

Paul states in Romans that we should support government authorities, but we also have a responsibility to support the constitution and it is being shredded. I believe all Christians including pastors should speak out against immorality and corruptness where it exists be it in the government or out. And the Litmus test should be what the Holy Bible states and not someone’s modern-day liberal interpretation of it. Making friends with the world makes us enemies of God. (James 4:4)

The revisionists of the constitution and especially the Bible are not God and did not contribute one whit to the creation of the Universe or establishment of the Creator’s laws. Don’t fall for it.

Okay I’ve had my say this morning. Please understand that as I stated not all pastors act in ways described above and I’m not implying that. There is a remnant, that is crying out in the wilderness. There aren’t enough of them, but it’s not too late…Yet!

We are traveling a slippery slope in giving up our rights as spelled out in our nation’s Bill of Rights. Closing churches is part of that problem…

James 4:4
You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.





