Religion versus relationship













March 1, 2019 – Click here to listen

Today I’m going sword fishing. I’ve been extremely frustrated at my last four attempts at landing one. These monster fish are caught on the bottom of the ocean in 1500-2000 feet of water. It is very difficult to let out line to that depth without it twisting and spinning.  It is an artform to let out that much line and time it to land on the precise spot that the fish inhabit taking into consideration the Gulf Stream current that averages 4 miles per hour. Then one must be able to detect the bite which is all but imperceptible at those depths, manage to hook the fish which can weigh over 500 lbs and reel it up over a quarter of a mile. One friend of mine described it as trying to fish in a gold fish bowl from the top of the Empire State Building.

After many trips I’ve learned how to lower my line properly, hook the fish and bring it to the surface. The problem is removing the 10-13 LB. lead weight used to get the bait to the bottom. It is attached to the line with a longline clip and must be removed when the fish is within 100 feet of landing it.  My problem has been that the last four fish I have successfully fought to the surface all got off when the lead was removed. This I believe is due to slack getting in the line and the hook simply coming out of its mouth when it happens.

It is so disheartening to watch the fish simply swim away. So close, yet so far away. I am not a quitter, and this has so enraged me that I have studied everything I can find online and called every successful sword-fisherman I know to try and figure out what I’m doing wrong. So, I talked to a leading expert yesterday and he was not sympathetic. He told me that he once had a losing streak of bringing 17 fish to the surface and not landing a single fish. He told me his success rate even today is just 50% and it was just the nature of the beast.

Huh? This guy is a legend. 17 straight fish hooked without landing a single one? Suddenly I didn’t feel like such a loser.  I landed the very first fish I ever hooked, and the most consecutive losses I’ve ever had is just four.

We all try things in life that seem incredibly difficult and if we aren’t careful, we’ll get discouraged and just give up. Perseverance is necessary for success. We cannot just give up because we are not an instant success be it golfing, cooking, or whatever. Anything worthwhile requires working for and being resilient.

I wonder what purpose God had in designing life to be this way . . .  do know that victory is far more meaningful when we have to fight for it. One thing certain if I manage to land one today, I will appreciate it. It reminds me of establishing a relationship with Christ. It was not easy for me. Why? Because I’m stubborn, rebellious, hard-headed, and obstinate. But the Lord is patient and in spite of my many faults we have formed an irreversible bond. I appreciate it and it was worth the effort. The following meme was sent to me by my good friends and Words for the Day readers, William, (Smitty) and Jeanne Smith.

I’ve made the transition from religion to relationship. How about you? If you aren’t there quite yet, then keep working on it. Trust me it is worth the effort and if at first you do not succeed, try, try, again!

James 1:12

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

Have a great weekend and go to church this Sunday!





