August 14 2017 – Click here to listen
I wholeheartedly condemn racists and bigotry but some people should slow down a little before speaking to what happened in Charlottesville over the weekend. No one seems to mention the six-identical brand new white vans that bused in Antifa thugs, (Short for militant anti-fascists, middle-class champagne Socialist, communist, anarchists who don’t like nationalists or fascists). These criminals were dressed in black, wearing helmets, body armor, and carrying weapons of every description. These goons are paid by culture destroyer George Soros through his society killing organizations and were deliberately sent to wreak havoc and wage war as they have done in Ferguson, Baltimore, NYC, Berkeley, Portland, Seattle and elsewhere.
The white supremacists, no matter how twisted their ideology, did have a permit to protest the city’s plans of taking down confederate statues. Agree or not, the first amendment of the constitution allows them that freedom. Those criminals who went there to do battle with them didn’t have a permit to do anything.
And where were the police? Many observers said that they just stood by and allowed the two factions to battle it out. Some reporters said they had orders to stand down that were identical to those in Berkeley and Baltimore.
The mainstream media will ultimately blame President Trump for the carnage there; heck they’d blame him if there was an earthquake somewhere, but it is our society of haters “on many sides” who are to blame, (as the President said.)
This entire issue of statues is ridiculous. It began in New Orleans when the mayor wanted to appease his black constituents who were offended by confederate monuments scattered around the city by taking them down. They are renaming streets because they were named after people who owned slaves at some point; they are going after statues that reside in the United States capitol; they are trying to change history books; they are even going after our first President, George Washington because he owned slaves.
This sentiment has spread to other parts of the country including Charlottesville where they want to take down a statue of General Robert E. Lee, and protestors came out to say they wanted the statues to remain. It provided an opportunity for the Antifa thugs to come out and fight and destroy property.
Our country’s history should not be modified to appease a certain race, gender, or religion because they are offended. How is this any different than the Taliban destroying the world’s two largest standing Buddhas – one of them 165ft high that has stood for 1700 years in Afghanistan. I’m no Buddhist but I don’t think these monuments to him should be destroyed, in fact, I think it was tragic. I wonder if protestors will go after the carvings of three confederate generals on the world’s largest piece of granite carved on Stone Mountain Park in Georgia. Will they dynamite and destroy it too. ISIS destroyed centuries old Christian antiquities all over that ancient country. Islamist militants in Iraq and Syria continue their war on the region’s cultural heritage even today, attacking archaeological sites with bulldozers and explosives.
ISIS released a video that shocked the world by showing the fiery destruction of one of the best-preserved ruins at the Syrian site of Palmyra. They destroyed a Palmyra temple, dedicated to the ancient god Baal. Militants were seen rampaging through Iraq’s Mosul Museum with pickaxes and sledgehammers, and dynamiting centuries-old Christian and Muslim shrines. Of course, this atrocity was widely condemned by the media here in the United States; I’m no fan of Baal either, but I think it was a barbaric thing to do.
I would ask, how is their mindset any different from those here in the United States who think it’s okay to destroy and remove objects that they don’t like?
The Jewish people wanted concentration camps to be preserved as a reminder of what happened. We should follow their example when it comes to slavery. Slavery has existed since the dawn of time and still exists today. Slavery was wrong back then and it’s wrong today.
In fact, there are more slaves in the world today than at any other time in history. In this country, a civil war was fought to free the slaves. All citizens should rejoice in that and focus on freeing the current generation of slaves that exist today all over the world including right here in this country. We need to fight modern day slavery and not each other.
But that would be too logical to those racists who are obsessed with skin color and prejudice on both sides . . . This country is far from the will of the Lord. God help us.
Romans 13:10
Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law.