Worldwide witch collaboration













Yesterday I wrote about the decadent lifestyle that has overtaken San Francisco. I also pointed out that I believe it is a demonic stronghold. Shortly after posting Words for the Day I attended the National Religious Broadcaster’s convention and as I was riding the shuttle bus to the convention center it was as though a sign of affirmation came from above, when a man on the bus began talking about his home town of . . . you guessed it . . . San Francisco.

He happened to be an evangelist, and though I didn’t mention my post, he added another log to the San Francisco fire as he began telling me that the city has the largest collection of witches of anywhere in the United States, and in fact had schools for shamans, warlocks, witches of Wicca, and his wife piped in that they even have Voo Doo priest training.

The evangelist went on to say that is exactly why he lives there, because he wants to minister to them and try to evangelize them. I remarked that for an evangelist, San Francisco was like knowing where to dig for gold.

You may or may not know that witches the world over are collaborating to call on demonic beings to bring down Donald Trump. While many may downplay this phenomenon as merely a bunch of nutcases, witchcraft is real and has tangible results. A simple Google query for verses on witchcraft in the Bible will confirm that for you.

The Bible repeatedly warns us to stay away from the occult in no uncertain terms. It verifies that it works and cites numerous examples of it working, such as when Moses confronted pharaoh and his sorcerers could turn their staffs into snakes too. In my autobiography, Miracle on Luckie Street I detail my involvement in witchcraft as a warlock and can tell you unequivocally that it works and saw it on many occasions. It takes a lot to scare me, but I don’t mind telling you that one of those experiences scared the heck out of me!

So, it is with much dismay that I observe the anti-faith media giving worldwide coverage to the witches against Trump, including a detailed summary of how to cast a spell. It involves a tarot card, unflattering photo of President Trump, a candle, and chanting certain words. Hundreds of millions of people have been given a witchcraft 101 seminar on how to invoke demonic beings to help them obtain their evil desires.

Ugh! I pray it doesn’t snare millions of inquisitive people to pursue it further.

It is not surprising that Lucifer is going all out in his effort to attempt to regain the leadership of the government as he wants to destroy America. He is utilizing the media, Hollywood and other forms of entertainment, academia, liberal churches, “progressive” politicians and government bureaucracy, corporations, and so on. Satan has been given dominion over this fallen world and we battle powerful forces of evil every day.

God loves us and I believe gave this country a reprieve in the last election due to the unrelenting prayer of the faithful. Think what you want, but the election of Donald Trump was miraculous.

Satan and his demons have been defeated by the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ and we should never doubt it. Eph. 6:12 states: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We can overcome them through incessant prayer and by putting on the full armor of God every day.

Are you suited up for today’s battle?

The Armor of God

Eph. 6:10

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes.

February 28 2017 – Click here to listen





