












San Francisco was the birthplace of the hippie movement, the drug revolution, and free love in this country. I know I was there in the Haight-Ashbury district along with hundreds of thousands of other misguided people.

I could have easily died there.

I’ve often thought of those days and actually shudder to think of walking those sin infested streets engaged in the vilest of sins at every waking moment. Surely the Lord’s angels had to hold their noses to watch over me.

The city has not departed from its love of sin as evidenced in part by the below photo and caption of San Francisco’s “finest” that was sent in by a reader.


Chief Heather Fong (left), is the first SFPD female, lesbian chief of police.

Theresa Sparks (center), a former male, is president of the San Francisco Police Commission, CEO of a multi-million dollar sex toy retailer, and a transgender woman.

Sgt. Stephan Thorne (right), a former female, is the first transgender male SFPD police officer.

And what police force could operate efficiently without someone to enforce their laws. Fox News reported San Francisco District Attorney Terence Hallinan –  who taught Marxist seminars and helped run the Communist club at UC Berkeley refused to prosecute “victimless” crimes involving drugs and prostitution, saying his focus was on violent crime. The DA’s resistance to taking a hard line against drugs prompted dealers to flood into the city from across the nation, City Journal reported.

It has also resulted in a crime rate of 70 per one thousand residents, San Francisco has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes,” says the data collection site Neighborhood Scout. “One’s chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime there is one in 14. Within California, more than 98% of the communities have a lower crime rate than San Francisco.” Smash-and-grab thefts from locked cars are so common that car repair shops have waiting lists. The city does not want to install surveillance cameras, and its aversion to tougher law enforcement had until recently left its police force at 1980s staffing levels.

Fox also reported in its article that on the hazardous waste side, the city is reporting an increase of syringes and feces sightings at 41 and 39 percent, respectively, over 2015 levels. That’s just an average. The hardest-hit area reported a 77 percent rise in discarded syringes and a 140 percent rise in feces. This problem has resulted in an online map to track human feces on city streets The city spends about $2 million a year on urine and feces cleanup. Not to mention costs associated with public urination that is so widespread it has damaged subway elevators and escalators, building walls and power poles

Despite $9 billion in tourism revenue and $4 billion in tax revenue last year, San Francisco faces a perennial budget deficit in the billions factoring in generous pension costs, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

The city, meanwhile, is proposing to spend $5 million on lawyers to defend illegal immigrants against Trump’s push to deport criminals. This doesn’t take into account the tax dollars Trump is threatening to withhold if the city doesn’t comply. “No one here wants to see the Trump administration rip apart our families and deport our neighbors,” Democrat state Rep. David Chiu said.

He says every San Francisco lawmaker is dedicated to solving its problems. “It’s unfair to just say this is a San Francisco thing,”

Chiu said. “These are the same issues across the state and the nation.”

Hmmm . . . Seen any syringes and feces on your city’s streets lately?

Local officials defend their ‘sanctuary’ policies as critical for the thousands of undocumented people who live there. And they contend the city as a whole, with its iconic landmarks and top-notch dining and steep surreal streetscapes shrouded in fog, has not lost its luster.

“San Francisco is a world-class city with tremendous natural beauty and diverse progressive residents,” said Chiu. “We value inclusiveness and innovation, which is why so many social justice movements and tech companies have started here. We must be doing something right when 25 million visitors came last year and our economy is thriving.”

Ugh! I think I’m gonna be sick!

California is such a beautiful state. God’s wonders can be seen literally from one end of it to the other. It’s amazing to me that its inhabitants have turned away from the Lord and exhibited such behavior and yet people still seem mesmerized by it. I believe that parts of California have become powerful demonic strongholds and unfortunately places like Hollywood and Silicon Valley now influence much of the world.

I’m so thankful that I did not die while wading through the sin and mire of San Francisco, New, Orleans, Greenwich Village and other strongholds of evil. Pray for those who are victims of its power and lust.

The church is the answer to transforming places like San Francisco. It may seem beyond repair, but with the Lord, nothing is impossible. There is always hope in Jesus Christ.

Matt. 16:18

 . . . I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

February 27 2017 – Click here to listen





