The Bible is clear that we should be humble. Some famous song lyrics indicate “that it is hard to be humble when you are perfect in every way”. I suppose if someone is “good looking” it would be difficult not to know it. I’m sure that most beautiful people have been told that they are beautiful most of their lives beginning when they were old enough to talk. The same holds true for being smart. How can you be smart if you do not realize it? Good athletes are revered by all, as are talented artists and musicians and on and on . . .
Consider our Savior Jesus Christ. He is perfect in every way and yet He was humble. If ever anyone deserved to be proud and be treated like a King, it was Jesus Christ and yet He elected to depart His throne and heavenly kingdom to come to this world and be born in a manger in humble circumstance. He worked with His hands as a carpenter and I am sure He took tremendous pride in His quality work. Jesus did not require the best seats in the temple, nor did He want trumpets blowing when He entered a room. He was not hauled around in a Bentley; He walked everywhere he went. He washed the feet of the disciples not vice versa, and He did so as an example to us that we are to serve and not be served.
Jesus loved children and cared about everyone, including sinners even prostitutes and the much hated tax collectors. He spent time with the poorest of the poor including lepers. He was in fact criticized for spending time with those deemed to be unscrupulous characters instead of hanging with the elite and the religious hierarchy of the day. Fortunately for many of us, He instructed Paul to spread the gospel to Gentiles who were considered to be “dogs” by Jews in order that we might share in His kingdom along with His chosen people.
I have said many times that we should try to emulate Jesus Christ at every opportunity and while the song states that it is “hard” to be humble; nonetheless it is achievable. If you are thinking that this does not apply to you because you are not that smart or good looking; then think again. Think about those who might be a different color than you; those who are homeless; the elderly; Jews; Arabs; Mexicans; the poor, those whose mistakes landed them in jail, those hooked on drugs and alcohol; those who are uneducated; immigrants; Democrats and those who definitely seem dumber than you are; (whatever your IQ).
Do you look down on any of those people or perhaps others that I did not mention? What is the basis of your pride? Consider that the very hairs on their heads are numbered just like yours are numbered and they were designed by our holy Father to serve His perfect purpose too. In God’s kingdom there will be no room for prejudice, pride, and hatred.
Treat “everyone” the way that you would like to be treated and you will not have to worry about the humble issue and too much pride ever again. No one likes to be looked down upon or treated poorly, especially us.
1 Peter 5:5
Likewise you younger people,
submit yourselves to your elders.
Yes all of you be submissive to one another,
and be clothed with humility,
for “God resists the proud
But gives grace to the Humble”
Therefore humble yourselves under
the mighty hand of God,
that He may exalt you in due time.
January 26 2017 – Click here to listen