So yesterday I spent the entire day in bed coughing and feeling miserable. Apparently I picked a bug up somewhere on my 12 days on the road flying at close quarters with hordes of people, attending meetings and shaking hundreds of hands during prison ministry. My doctor fixed me up with some antibiotics and steroids to spur on my recovery, but I can barely talk in squeaks and am supposed to speak and attend yet more meetings at the end of this week.
Yesterday I received word that the chemo had worked and no sign of the deadly virus remains in my system and I only have to keep taking the remainder of this treatment for three more weeks and I’ll be free from it for the rest of my life. I told my wife that I wished I felt like celebrating, but I could hardly hold my head up.
My buddy TK who has undergone various surgeries, chemo, radiation and experimental trials for cancer for about 15 years asked me to go hunting this morning. I knew he was undergoing treatment too and wanted to get out of the house and do something, and I replied that I was sick, but would go and would drive a separate truck to keep from exposing him to my ailment. He didn’t want me to go while sick and asked to go later in the week stating that he didn’t want to be responsible for my meeting Jesus prematurely.
I replied that I will be traveling later in the week and besides I wanted to meet Jesus and he said, “Not on my watch, we have lobsters to eat and mountains to climb”.
Hmmm . . . This morning I already feel better and I believe that I might live after all. I want to meet Jesus whenever He is ready to meet, and yet I suppose that those around me that are nagging to take better care of myself are right and I should slow down some. I have plenty of mountains to climb and that lobster doesn’t sound too bad either.
I feel a sense of urgency like never before that there is so much to do and so little time to do it. I see a world of lost souls out there searching for hope. If only I could get in front of every last one of them and make the case for receiving Christ in their lives before the curtain falls. I have a birthday coming up and the handwriting is on the wall. If I am going to accomplish my purpose it will take some hard work. My wife and I are regaining our health and all my kids and grandkids are doing are doing great. I thank the Lord for his blessings and pray for strength to finish well.
Proverbs 1:1
Who may climb the mountain of the Lord?
Only those whose hands and hearts are pure . . .
November 18, 2015 – Click here to listen