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To a person I responded that they should relax and reminded them that God was still on His throne and this and a myriad of other equally abominable acts will soon be coming down the river as predicted in the Bible. Jesus told us not to be troubled by it, because it has to happen.

There is no question in my mind that America the beautiful has been found wanting and is undergoing the beginning of harsh judgment. Our society has adopted an approach of “if it feels good, then do it!” When President Obama was asked how he defined sin, he said that he thinks that doing anything against his own moral conscience was sin. He is not unlike millions of our citizens. They have declared themselves as God’s who make up their own spiritual laws. Only about 20% of the people in this country, including Christians, have a biblical worldview and few have ever read the Bible.

The results are in on how well we are doing since adopting this if it feels good do it philosophy. Since the U.S.A. began to turn from being one nation under God to one nation devoid of God we’ve become a degenerate nation with the moral equivalent of animals that are entirely devoid of higher intelligence. Just look at the statistics We have the highest divorce rate, incarceration rate, abortion rate, single parent home rate, pornography use rate, murder rate, declining church attendance rate, drug addiction rate, alcoholism rate and practically any other societal deterioration factor of most any country in the civilized world.

Indeed when I heard the news of the court’s decision and later saw the President with his now classic arrogant look, smugly smirking at his news conference and later that evening saw our White House lit up with floodlights the same colors as the LGBT flag, I was sick to my stomach. He was not content to graciously accept his win, no, he wanted to poke half the country in the eye with a stick and really rub it in.

I don’t like it, but I’m not surprised by anything he would do. He lied and said he was against gay marriage and felt marriage should be between a man and a woman before the election in 2008 and then again just three years ago right before the election in 2012. Hillary Clinton had a similar mysterious change of heart. Lying apparently does not go against his moral conscience, neither does third trimester abortion, gay marriage, putting us into $20 trillion in debt before he leaves office and giving Iran a nuclear bomb.

Our nation has turned its back on God and now He is turning his back on us and withdrawing His blessing. It’s kind of difficult to “relax” when all of this happening, eh?

In the times of Jesus the ruler of Israel King Herod and the various emperors of Rome were far worse than the leaders of today. They were cruel tyrants who committed barbarous acts upon their citizens including pedophilia. In fact there was a palace situated on a high bluff on the edge of the ocean and when these degenerates were through with the little boys and girls that they savaged they threw them off the cliffs to their deaths.

Now the zealots of Jerusalem who were ruled by these leaders expected their Messiah to overthrow them and rule as an earthly king, but Jesus had no part of it and that is one reason they hated Him. Jesus however was more concerned about the eternal destiny of lost souls and caring for the suffering than in effecting a change in leadership. I suppose in His perfect knowledge He realized that political solutions are NOT solutions.

Consider that in 2000 the Republicans ran the table; they won the Presidency, and both the Senate and the House and yet nothing changed really. Corruption was rampant as was the lust for power.

The only thing that can change the situation whereby we can return to peace and prosperity is if we humble ourselves, seek God, ask for forgiveness, repent and return to our God in order that He can hear from heaven and heal our land. 2 Chron. 7:14

The key words are to humble ourselves. It is where the verse starts and where we must begin. The pride and arrogance of the Obamas of the world must be replaced with humility. That means if Christians want to save America then we must unite. We must quit bickering among ourselves and vote in a block to elect God fearing good leaders like the sons of Issachar who knew the signs of the times and what needed to be done. We must educate our populace that a biblical worldview is the only way to find peace. We must honor God and realize that He cannot be mocked. Lost souls must come to Jesus and receive His redemption.

If you read the book of Judges the nation of Israel was like a roller coaster. When they had God fearing leadership they prospered; when they had evil leadership they suffered. Judgment is covering us like a black foreboding evil cloud daily; however we can have revival and a Great Awakening as has never been seen provided we unite in repentance and turn to our father.

Or we can be judged and lest any Christian be smug in that bit of news, remember that judgment begins with the household of God!

1 Peter 4:17

For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

June 29, 2015 – Click here to listen





