Mad as a hornet











Well the Democrats are dancing in the streets celebrating their new health care entitlement and gateway to federally funded abortion this morning. Me, I’m not only dismayed, but I’m madder than a hornet, just like I was when Obama and his majority got elected. I can’t wait until November to try to vote the bums out.

The latest little company that I started up finally got to the point where we were in a position that we could offer a health care plan for our employees. It was a giant expense and I’m not in any hurry to add more employees because of it. I now fully expect the cost of my company’s health care program to double when this bill gets fully implemented, and now I must cover part time employees too.

Hmmm This is one entreprenuer that guarantees that jobs will be lost because of this legislation.

It is hard for me to understand how any sane person could really believe that 30,000,000 people can be given free health care without it costing an enormous amount of money that we as a nation do not have. It is impossible for me to understand how anyone could think that taxes will not go up, not just for the wealthy, but for ALL citizens. Our nation is already on the verge of bankruptcy as are many of its citizens and this massive bill will have to be paid for and taxes simply must substantially increase to pay for this enormous entitlement. It will make things worse all of the way around for our nation and job market.

It is doubly hard for me to believe the corruption and immoral way the bill was put together. I would have never dreamed that it could happen in this once great country.

I do not think that Obama is the antichrist but I definitely think the antichrist will operate in a similar corrupt manner and he will be able to persuade people to believe his outlandish lies in the same way as Obama.

I realize that many of our representatives just want to go down in history as being a part of this historic entitlement and picture themselves as being modern day FDRs or Lyndon Johnsons; however there are also those who believe the lies and seem to sincerely believe that this new health care bill will not increase the federal deficit or raise taxes, or fund abortions, or create rationing of medical services.

Unfortunately it seems that the only ones to see through it are the helpless minority. I was thinking of how the early Christians must have felt when they were vastly outnumbered by the orthodox Jews (Pharisees) and the pagan Romans. I’m sure there were plenty of injustices and early Christians were not only dismayed, but madder than hornets, (even more so than me), but just as helpless to do anything about it. It grieves and disgusts me to no end to see what is happening to our once great country. At least the Lord is close by

Psalms 34:18
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.



