Bad behavior hurts











I read that the German atheist Nietzsche once said that if he saw more redeemed people he might be more inclined to believe in their Redeemer. I think a lot of people are like that. Jesus said that we, (Christians), are the light of the world. We should not walk in darkness but let our light shine brightly.

I have to admit that I falter sometimes, particularly in the area of profanity which is unleashed every time I get mad. If I merely see Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or most of all President Obama on television I can emit a string of oaths that will melt a candle. In fact if I even hear their names in conversation, Beezlebub himself would have a difficult time keeping up with me cussing and fussing. Sigh.

I have never been to rehab and yet with the help of Christ have successfully overcome alcohol and drug addiction. I quit smoking cigarettes nearly forty years ago “cold turkey”. Likewise I eliminated sexual immorality from my life. I quit fighting like an ignorant fool everytime someone says something I don’t like.

I have come a long way and conquered sin after sin in my life, but alas I have a very long way to go. Perhaps the worst is that I just cannot seem to quit using profanity.

This is a major issue for me and I work hard on it. It is number one on my goals at the beginning of each year and throughout the year and I pray about it often.

It is cheerless for someone like me who loves the Lord with all my heart to “proclaim” Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and yet have some glaring sin like profanity in my life. It becomes a stumbling block for any unbelievers that I encounter and who have to listen to all of that garbage spewing from my mouth and all but negates convincing anyone that Christ has the power to transform lives.

If the light does not shine through our lives it can only mean one of two things, either we do not have a relationship with Christ or we bring dishonor to Him. I do have a wonderful personal relationship with Christ which only can mean that I repeatedly dishonor Him with my dumb conduct.

I hate that but I hate worse the thought that I might negatively influence someone who is on the fence about Jesus Christ. Hypocrites are one of the biggest impediments to non-Christians finding Christ. Isn’t it a shame that Christ gets blamed for our poor behavior? We must remember at all times that we represent God and the Christian life and exemplify the light radiating from His goodness instead of the blackness oozing from our dark natures.

Does your conduct dishonor Christ? Start singing this little song today, “This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine”, and then go out there and do it! I’m going to work harder than ever after reading this… uh, writing it….

Matt. 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven



