Borneo here I come











Recently I finished a passage in the book that I am writing, “Miracle on Luckie Street”, detailing a conversation that I had with another inmate in Parrish Prison in New Orleans soon after I was incarcerated there.

It is as follows:

“Everyone has a story to tell of how they ended up in prison. One guy that I met was in for bank robbery. From his appearance one would have thought him to be the least likely person to ever be in Parrish Prison, much less incarcerated for bank robbery. He was about my age, maybe 22, and he was a nice looking clean cut college kid.

He told me he was walking downtown and got to thinking about needing some money and on a whim decided to rob a bank. With no prior planning he just went into a bank, wrote a note, and handed it to the teller.

It said, “Give me all of your money or I will kill you”.

He told me that she was terrified and quickly gave him all of the money in her drawer and then he calmly walked outside.

His brilliant plan of escape, his absolute stroke of genius concerning his getaway after robbing the bank downtown New Orleans with cops on every street corner, was to nonchalantly walk outside and try to hail a cab.

He could not get one to stop and the cops caught him standing directly in front of the bank still holding up his hand to every cab that passed with a bag of the bank’s money in his hand.”

I have often wondered what happened to this guy. Do you think maybe he went on to become a famous politician?

Seriously my wife, who has been reading my book and is totally shocked at the crazy violent drug infested dark world from which I escaped, asked me yesterday what I think happened to all of those depraved people.

Hmmm I would imagine some died a violent death including suicide, some are no doubt incarcerated in a prison somewhere, some probably in an insane asylum, and a few, like me, survived.

I must confess it has been terribly difficult for me to relive these experiences, and worse put it into writing and know that others will read about my blackest sins. I told someone today that I was going to live in a jungle in Borneo after I publish it in order to avoid having to face anyone.

I should not even say that in jest because I truly believe that I was born to tell this story for the glory of God. Fair warning it will be difficult to read, because I did not pull any punches. I tell the very raw, unadulterated, uncensored, gut wrenching ugly truth of my pre-Christian life on the street including the violence, immorality, drugs, black magic, crime, and depravity in startling detail and street language.

I have no doubt that some will criticize me for presenting it in such fashion. In fact I felt the urge to portray it in a nicer manner and not include various incidents, because they were just too immoral or depraved for a Christian to even talk about, but after much prayer and meditation I feel that I am led to write it the way it really was on those mean streets and I trust that it will be more effective to do so in such a manner.

My goal is for readers to see the magnitude of difficulty, or better the impossibility of me surviving my real situation, much less thriving without God’s miraculous help. The transformation was amazing and I do not want any doubting liberal ACLU or media atheist to say that “I” changed my life. God and only God could work such mighty miracles to change such a life.

This book will with certainty offer tremendous hope and inspire those lonely lost souls who are hurting out there; those who are desperately in need of God’s love and salvation, (and trust me, they are out there by the billions).

Readers will know that no matter how badly something is broken, God can fix it. I’m living proof of it.

The passage below was written by Paul and concerns his preaching the word of God to the gentiles. My effort is minute in comparison but I still claim this verse, (I hope he does not mind), in the sense that this book about God transforming my life is written to preach the word of God to all of those people who are suffering and need hope and inspiration to rise up and conquer their inner demons and addictions.

Please pray for me that I will not get discouraged and will keep fighting the good fight to complete it and do my absolute best in writing it. Most importantly please pray that in the end it will glorify God and give all readers hope that if they too will turn to God, He can and will change their lives forever.

2 Tim. 17
But the Lord stood with me and
strengthened me so that the
message might be preached fully
through me



