By now everyone knows that Biden has pardoned his son, this after telling everyone he wouldn’t do it literally for years. The old song tell me lies – tell me sweet lies – rings hollow and there is nothing sweet about them. Last night I watched a video of Hunter Biden and was amazed at how he got away with His crimes. I would be buried in a nasty prison never to be seen again had I done all of the things for which he pleaded guilty.
He couldn’t have done so without the Secret Service and those agents that knew full well about his behavior and there were many.
He had sex with a myriad of prostitutes and then he married his brother Beau’s wife after Beau died of a brain tumor. He then filmed a video of the two of them having sex together and sent it to Pornhub.He was a crack head, wannabe porn star. He made millions of dollars peddling infuence to China and Burisma using connections with his father and didn’t pay taxes on any of it. He bought an illegal gun, a felony in Delaware. And he knocked up a prostitute and refused to acknowledge the child was his and/or pay child support.
So at the first of the week our President Joe Biden pardoned Hunter and made it effective for all the crimes he has committed for the past ten years. It is a foregone conclusion that he will pardon his brother as well. Both were giving kickbacks to the President Mr. “Big Guy” Joe Biden.
It is sad.
The pardon had to come now because Hunter was due to be sentenced to prison in a couple of weeks for crimes he admitted he was guilty of committing. Through it all Hunter was defiant, belligerent, and just plain arrogant. It reminds me of living in a third world country but even in one them the sons don’t have such debauchery in their lives.
Joe pardoned Hunter because he knew too much which was pointed to in Hunter’s laptop when he referred to him as the “Big Guy”
I have some late breaking news for the Bidens, God is a true and fair judge and one’s last name won’t matter one bit when he reaches the Great White Throne of Judgement. So live it up “Big Guy” Joe and Hunter and know this, that hell will come very quickly.
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap”.