I recently I read a quote that was rather interesting. It was written by Mae West and is as follows: “You only live once but if you do right, once, is enough.” Hmmm – Interesting concept . . . So how do you live your life right? It does not go unnoticed that “if you do it right” has the word “right” ingrained in it, ( that is a short version of righteous).
Living a righteous life is not that hard to accomplish provided you keep your eyes and ears in the Bible. Listening to the message and reading the text are essential. Listen to God’s gently whispering, His still small voice. Be yourself as He is talking directly to you.
If you sin, ask for forgiveness. If we do so God will strip your sins away with His Son’s blood. There is power in the blood of the lamb of God. Righteousness is the true test of biblical giants like Isaiah, Noah, Moses, and so on. David was righteous even despite his sin with Bathsheba. It is one of the clearest messages for sins being forgiven for grievous sin in the Bible.
It is easy to be righteous because the Lord is compassionate and full of mercy to those who are born again. “If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him.” 1 John 2:29.
2 Timothy 3:16
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness