I was fishing offshore with some friends not too long ago and a little canary about two inches high lit on the back of the boat. You might not think that odd, but we were nearly forty miles out. A friend told me they come from the Bahamas and migrate to the Keys for whatever purpose and then go back. I see flocks of these little guys every year darting up and down as they cross the Gulf Stream and fly towards the Keys.
This little guy seemed tame but was more likely just exhausted from the long trip. Aside from some floating debris here and there, few resting places present themselves on this long trip. He looked at us and we looked at him for quite some time and then he took off again apparently determined to make landfall before dark.
I was reminded of a verse in the Bible that states that a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without our Lord seeing it. I deduced that obviously if he sees the sparrow he sees me and that is very comforting to me.
Whenever we get down in spirit and feel all alone, maybe we should take note of this little canary and the knowledge that God is watching him all the while as he makes his long journey across the Straits of Florida to the Florida Keys and back again a few months later to the Bahamas. Further the Bible states that all the zillions of stars in all the galaxies throughout the universe have been named individually by God. His knowledge, power, intelligence, and capabilities are astounding and incomprehensible to mere humans and yet He loves us above all creation.
If perhaps you have low self-esteem and maybe even feel worthless today, or are lonely, or feel unappreciated, forget about it. God thinks you are something special. The Bible tells us that we are far more valuable to almighty God than a sparrow and that even the very hairs on our heads are numbered. God loves you more than you can even comprehend and thinks you are worth dying for. Jesus Christ has gone to prepare a mansion for each of His children and will return for us at a time of His choosing whereby we can be with Him forever and ever.
Feel better?
John 14:1
Let not your heart be troubled;
you believe in God, believe
also in Me.
In My Father’s house are many
mansions; if it were not so, I would
have told you. I go to prepare a
place for you.
and if I go and prepare a place
for you, I will come again and receive
you to Myself; that where I
am, there you can be also