I heard an interesting song recently. Its lyrics alluded to those throughout history who at one time or other had been derided for their beliefs and later were ultimately vindicated and finally had the last laugh. People were mentioned in the song like Christopher Columbus who went against the prevailing opinion and believed that the world was round and not flat. “Who has the last laugh now?” is the chorus in this song. It made me think of an argument/debate that I had with an atheist on a plane. It seems that his main point was that he was in the majority by not being a “born again Christian”. “When you look at the situation worldwide”, he smugly stated, “There are far more people in the world who do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Do you know how many Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus etc. that there are in the world?” I responded that sometimes the “majority” only means that all the fools are on the same side.
Throughout recorded history it has happened time and again. Galileo, Newton, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin and countless others all had an uphill battle convincing the “people in the know”, the “enlightened intellectual” of the day of their truths. Even Einstein spent half a lifetime trying to convince others that his theory of relativity was fact. According to the Bible, Noah preached some 120 years without one convert. Right up to the day that the ark was boarded they laughed at him and made fun of him. Forty days later no one was laughing, because no one was left to laugh but Noah and his family. I know in my heart that Noah was not laughing and did not enjoy having the last laugh opportunity. Like most Godly people, I’m sure that it deeply grieved Noah to know that all those people were lost when they could have easily been saved.
It grieves me to think of the fate of the atheist to whom I briefly spoke during that short one and a half hour flight. If he does not change his belief system, one day he will face the music and he will not like the lyrics. God plainly stated that being in the majority has no bearing on anything. All that will matter on that day will be whether or not you have been born again and accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior.
When faced with “the majority cannot be wrong logic”, remember God plainly stated that there are “many” who will not follow Him and “few” that will enter paradise. I believe that this same peer pressure to follow the wrong path starts with children and prevails throughout life in many people. Young people and teenagers often start smoking cigarettes, drinking beer, taking drugs and having sex outside of marriage as a direct result of peer pressure and wanting to be in the majority. There is nothing wrong with and everything right about not being in the majority especially when your decisions will affect you for eternity.
Matthew 7:13
“Enter by the narrow gate; for
wide is the gate and broad is the way
that leads to destruction, and there
are many who go in by it.
Because narrow is the gate and
difficult is the way which leads to
life, and there are few who find it.”