I went to a meeting the other day that was attended by some very powerful – world renowned attendees. We all went to lunch together and I sat down at one end of the table with the leadership. I saw another attendee, whom I’d invited to the meeting, come in and sheepishly take a seat all of the way at the other end of the table, (as far as he could get away from the leadership of the meeting which included me).
Later I saw him in the hall and asked if our deodorant had failed, or some other dire circumstance had unfolded that would inspire him to sit so far away. He responded that he felt intimidated and deemed that he didn’t belong with the other distinguished attendees. He said, “I’m just a little guy, a ‘nobody – I don’t even belong in this meeting”.
I had personally invited this guy to come because he had knowledge that none of the rest of us possessed and I wanted him to share it with us, (and he did). I told him that he was just as important as any of those supposed “big guys” that were there.
I mentioned that the body of Christ was comprised of many different parts and then I posed a question, “Imagine for a moment that everyone had been created to be an eye. We could see real well, but we couldn’t accomplish anything. Without any other body parts we couldn’t even so much as walk or talk or eat a Gummy Bear.
What good is having vision without the ability to act upon it?”
God has a plan for His church and it includes each and every one of us. He wants us to unite and work together as one. Otherwise the missing parts will prevent us from accomplishing His purpose. Some jobs may seem more important than others, but in reality every job is just as necessary and important as any of them. Imagine a big picture puzzle with missing parts. It doesn’t matter if the missing pieces are on the outer edge, or dead center, a puzzle with even one missing piece is incomplete and instantly noticeable.
So it is with the body of Christ. If you are missing, you are missed. Last night I had dinner with the current Chief of Operations of the Drug Enforcement Administration, (DEA). We were laughing about our backgrounds being so diametrically opposite. He was pursuing guys like me and trying to lock us up, and I was trying to elude guys like him and stay out of the slammer. Talk about strange bedfellows; a former criminal and a top law enforcement guy and yet there we sat laughing and talking and rejoicing at what God had accomplished in our lives over the past several decades. Talk about God’s sense of humor in putting us together years later in order to accomplish whatever goal He has in mind for us. But that is how God “rolls”. He has His own purpose for our lives and uses people with widely varying backgrounds and skill sets to accomplish His mighty works.
Make no mistake we are not the product of random procreation like millions of spawning salmon with no specific purpose other than heading out to sea to gorge for a season and then return to die. We were each individually designed and created to accomplish a specific purpose for the Lord. What a tragedy if we squander our opportunity to serve him.
Where do you fit in?
No matter what your background, education, skill set, looks, intellect, portfolio, physique, or spiritual maturity level, God has a distinct purpose for you. Get busy and find your place in God’s picture puzzle while there is yet time.
And don’t let Satan or anyone whisper to you that you aren’t worthy. Jesus Christ loves you and sacrificed His life in order that we all might have life, (and live it more abundantly). I’m very thankful for the transformational power of his sacrifice and am trying my utmost to fulfill my purpose (even if and when there is personal cost to me). Isn’t it about time for you to do something sacrificial for Jesus?
Matt. 19:29
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My name’s sake, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life. “But many who are first will be last; and the last, first.