I once had a coon dog that in his youth was as good as they come, however, when Poochie got old and tired he would not hunt but merely follow us through the woods. It used to bother the heck out of me, and I would scowl at him, and he would run off into the woods just out of sight and start barking his treed bark. I could tell he was lying to me because he would bark a half-hearted treed bark and then look at me to see if I was going to buy it. I would say, “Are you lying to me”. And he would lower his tail and ears and slink away. He knew he had been caught in a lie and was ashamed of himself.
I was thinking of this today and I thought of congenital liar President Biden. He has said many times that his son Beau died in battle in war, but he died of a brain tumor at Walter Reed. He lies all the time and doesn’t think anything about it. I could take up 3-4 pages recounting all his lies, but what is the use? Lying comes natural to him and the embarrassment of being caught in one doesn’t seem to phase him. I’m not trying to pick on him, but he is the President and should be setting a good example. I would think he would follow Poochie’s lead and at least feel contrite about his constant lies, but he just ignores it.
In my book I have no use for a liar. I am of the persuasion that if someone lies to you just one time, from that moment on you will always wonder if they are telling the truth this time Do you know who the Bible calls “the Father of all lies”? Satan! It was Satan who lied to Eve and convinced her to sin in the Garden of Eden. Satan lies to you every day. He puts doubt in our hearts about the very existence of God.
Some people accidentally let Satan influence them to lie. If you tell a lie, immediately acknowledge it, ask forgiveness, and repent (change). Even old Poochie knew he had done wrong when he barked treed, and a coon wasn’t anywhere to be seen. I knew he was lying, and folks will know you are too. Ask for forgiveness and sin no more. Remember God epitomizes goodness and truth, and Jesus in no uncertain terms says that He comes from God, His Father. But those who oppose Him and utter lies have a different father, Jesus says, “Their father is the devil, the father of lies”.
John 8:44
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires.