I was reading about King Ahab and his wife Jezebel’s fate today. The prophesy from God was that the King and his entire household would be killed to include Jezebel, his wife. She experienced a particularly gruesome death, and her body was predicted to be desecrated by being thrown into a field whereby dogs ate everything but her skull, hands, and feet . . . Now Jezebel had hundreds of false prophets and is the one who pursued Elijah, scaring the heck out of him. Ahab was wicked too and his deeds are vile.
The interesting thing about it to me is that God allowed them to wreak havoc on God’s people for so long. Then one day “the chickens came home to roost” and God avenged them in a horrific manner. This reminds me of people that think that they are safe. God hasn’t dealt with them, and they conclude that they can get away with sin with no punishment. Then suddenly God will avenge those who had been the objects of their sin, and His retribution can be severe as described in 2 Kings.
God doesn’t forget the sins committed against Him or His church. The only hope is redemption. I’m surprised that more people do not become Christ followers. If we are to avoid punishment the only way is through accepting His death for and resurrection for our sins and repentance, (changing our lives by turning away from sin). Though it seems easy turning away from sin is difficult to many because they are susceptible to temptation and like to sin; nonetheless it is the only way to get into heaven. If you are sincere then God will help you overcome temptation and forgive your sins and best of all will welcome you into His presence.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.