I went to church with a neighbor last Sunday and when the singing was over and just prior to the pastor taking over. I looked at my buddy and out of the blue whispered, “Thanks!” He looked at me bewildered and said, “For what?”
I told him, “Thanks for not singing”. He laughed and so did I.
After church we went to his house to eat, and I recounted the story. He said that contrary to what I said he was indeed singing. Hmmm… In that case thank You Lord for not allowing me to hear him”. LOL
Lately I have been besieged by numerous aggravating problems.
Problems, problems, and more problems, it is enough to make one scream sometimes.
Unfortunately, it’s an impossible task to escape this pesky side of life. We cannot just give up and quit and expect our problems go away; we cannot run away from our problems; they will find us wherever we go. It would be like running away from life, because the Bible teaches that we will always have problems in this life. Job 14:1
What to do? The other morning, I was walking out to my car in the darkness, and I couldn’t see anything due to my failing eyesight and macular degeneration which cause blindness in the dark. I had the weight of the world on my shoulders and was mulling over all the serious problems that I had on my plate when suddenly I heard a bird singing. I thought how odd for a bird to be singing in the pitch-black dark.
At that moment I felt the warm presence of God surrounding me and it was an indescribable feeling of peace and tranquility that descended upon me. I realized at that moment that I am not alone in my daily struggles and even though sin has temporarily separated me from God, He has not abandoned me, and I am not fighting this world and its worldly problems all alone.
When you are tired of the fight and ready to throw in the towel watch and listen. You might hear a bird happily chattering and singing to you and realize that God is right there with you. At that point you will know that you are not fighting your battles alone.
Jesus said that we should rest in Him. My sentiments to that command: Gladly!
I still have my problems facing me this morning, but now they do not seem so serious, and it is far easier dealing with them knowing that Jesus is right there with me. Why even my friend’s singing will sound glorious. I can see my buddy’s infectious smile now with God nodding His approval and tapping His foot as He encourages him to keep on singing.
Matt. 11:28
Come to me all you who labor
and are heavy laden, and I will give
you rest.