Keep the faith baby – keep the faith!













I converse with a wide variety of people worldwide about a plethora of issues. I have concluded that many people, including God-fearing followers of Christ, are filled to the brim with anxiety. Big pharma is making out like a champ supplying billions of $ of pills of every description to relieve their torment, but the temporary relief comes at a price which generally entails taking more and stronger “happy pills” that none of it makes anyone happy for very long and can result in addiction all too easily.

I once conversed with a lady who was frantic over her son and wanted a quick solution to getting him off drugs. I told her there were no quick solutions and the first thing he needed was to quit hanging around with thugs as a giant step to quit taking drugs. I then told her he would need to go to a Christian rehab facility for a minimum of six months to a year and learn to change his lifestyle. She ignored my advice and agreed with her son, who like most drug addicts was a con man extraordinaire when he told her that my recommended course of action was too extreme and he was ready to get off drugs forever. And so she put him in a secular rehab facility for thirty days. And when he got out he went right back to his supposed “friends” and obtained drugs laced with fentanyl. Within a week of getting out of rehab, he had overdosed and died.

She wrote the saddest letter to me and was obviously in torturous grief-stricken pain. I tried to console her as best I could but to no avail. She was particularly angry at God for allowing it. Hmmm…That seems so odd to me. When some people encounter tragedy in their lives they seem to run away from God when by any rational logic they should be running towards Him. Why isn’t the anger aimed at Satan the author of sin and suffering?

I suffered from anxiety before becoming a Christian. Jesus changed my life, but early on especially when I began founding businesses with no start-up capital, and family and friends started suffering health maladies, I confess I suffered anxiety. It became like an addiction to me and was almost second nature to worry, but one day I was studying my Bible and I read this passage,

Luke 12:25 — Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?  Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Consider how the wildflowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you — you of little faith! And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

That passage began a life that is free from anxiety and worry and today I can say that I don’t worry about anything. I dread going through some things like a hurricane or my recent surgery, but I do not worry about the outcome. My anxiety medication comes from walking through fields admiring God’s handiwork and observing his amazing wildlife or perhaps hooking a nice fish and cooking that bad boy up for dinner.

I read yesterday about a blind mystic who allegedly predicted 9/11 and is said to have foreseen a nuclear disaster that will ravage Earth before the end of 2023. Baba Vanga, a blind Bulgarian woman, is rumored to have predicted some of the biggest events in world history. She died more than a quarter of a century ago, but many of her predictions are said to have come true long after her death. Now, her followers claim that Baba Vanga foresaw a devastating nuclear disaster that will unfold this year. The mystic is said to have warned of a major nuclear power plant explosion in 2023 that would cause toxic clouds to settle over Asia.

Baba Vanga’s predictions for 2023:

Aside from nuclear disaster, Baba Vanga made four other major predictions for 2023. Firstly, she is said to have predicted that the Earth’s orbit will change. Baba Vanga is also believed to have predicted a powerful solar storm that will rock the climate in 2023. Some have interpreted her words to mean that a solar tsunami is coming, which could cause major technology failures — though minor solar storms occur fairly regularly without devastation. The Bulgarian mystic is also said to have predicted that a biological weapon will be used by a superpower in 2023, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths. Finally, Baba Vanga is believed to have foretold the end of natural pregnancies this year. Her followers claim that all babies will be grown in laboratories, with states and medical experts deciding who gets one. Parents, they say, will be able to choose traits like hair and eye color.

Now are you filled with anxiety? Bah . . . Yada, yada, yada Baba Vanga. If you are worried please refer to the Bible, you know . . . GOD’S WORD . . . And see what God has to say about your future and the future of this world. No need to pop a Xanax or Prozac God is still on the throne and His love for you is unfathomable. You are going to heaven and yes this too (the world) will pass…Just keep the faith baby! Keep the faith.

Philippians 4:6
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”





