Live life to its fullest













Yesterday I went Wahoo fishing in the Bahamas. It took three hours by boat each way, and we left at 4:00 a.m. and returned at 7:00 p.m. So, this morning I was wondering if maybe I thought I was still 30 years old or something. My entire body is sore all over from the boat banging through big waves, and upon our arrival muscling in big wahoo and other fish in the hot sun. My friends and I had a blast despite the arduous nature of the trip and I’m very thankful for the opportunity to go.

I was going to leave to go back to my farm today but was just too tired. It took 16 hours to drive down to my home in the keys from my farm but will take longer going back due to pulling a trailer with a golf cart on it and a one-ton coral bench in the bed of my pickup truck. But what the heck we only live once on this little planet and I suppose we ought to get the most out of it. Not sure my wife agrees on that one.

I got a text yesterday morning at 9:30 a.m. from my friend Al Cuneo asking me where Words for the Day was. I replied that I had completely forgotten about it. I have never completely forgotten WFTD in the last 24 years. Could it be that my mind is finally slipping? Bah, I’m not going to waste any time on it. I remembered it today without any prompting, so I’m not going to get into a tizzy about it.

I consider every day a blessing from God. and I thank Him for it. Not all days are the same. I have bad days and good days. The way I see it God sends both and it keeps life interesting. I get bored very easily and need projects ALL the time or I’m miserable. It’s when things are rocking along in a routine when I become miserable. It has gotten so bad that I cannot focus through an entire sermon on Sundays. I catch myself either dozing off or madly flipping through my Bible looking for something more interesting. It infuriates my wife, and she is embarrassed by my behavior, but I just cannot seem to sit still and if I must, it makes me sleepy. I told her to go sit in the balcony if it was driving her batty.

Believe it or not, I can weather the exhaustion of fishing a 15-hour day, or a 20-hour road trip by car spread over two days to MS better than I can sitting around with nothing to do for the same time period, (or even an hour). I want to live life to its fullest and leave no stone unturned prior to my adios. I love God more every day because I experience more of life every day. And… there is much more to do! I hope you are getting the maximum out of life. If not, start today seek and find the desires of your heart and live that vibrant life.

PSALM 37:4:
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.





