$10,000 tip













An acquaintance of mine who is doing some work for me did me a big favor and after I heartily thanked him, he said he wanted a $10,000 tip with a laughing emoji ending his text. I laughed and wrote him back and told him nice try and questioned if he had lost his sanity. He told me that word was out in our community that I had made lots of money and started with absolutely nothing.

He wanted to know my secret which he considered to be even more valuable than the $10,000 tip and he said in lieu of it, he would be happy if I would just tell him how I went from “nothing” to making money. I said I have a video that was made several years ago that explains it and asked if he would like to watch it. He said for sure and asked me to send it to him and I did.

Later that day I got a response, and he told me the video was one of the most inspiring things he had ever watched. I don’t know about his personal relationship with the Lord but judging from his profanity-laced communication skills I was hoping that my personal testimony would help him draw closer to God.

After watching it he told me how his daughter had become a heroin and crack addict. He sent me a video of her before she was ravaged with drugs, and at 27 years old she owned a fitness center and was a fitness coach making well over $225K per year. She was strikingly beautiful, had a fitness coach figure, and, in the video, she was full of laughter and had a delightful sense of humor.

That video was accompanied by a current photo of her after living on the street as a junkie and crackhead and she did not look like the same woman. He told me he had spent years trying to help her and had spent boatloads of money on rehab for her, only to see her relapse every two years. Then he said that drugs destroyed her and those who loved her.

Hmmm . . . I thought about how the exact same things were being said of me back in the day and I was led to say, “There is still hope – I’m living proof!  She needs prayer and God in her life”.

Those who are addicted can wear out those who love them. They lie, steal, and even sell their bodies to get more drugs and the evil living inside the body laughingly responds by increasing the craving even more without so much as a hint of mercy. It is so discouraging to watch time after time as addicts try to escape and quit, only to go right back to it time and again. It is so discouraging in fact that there is a tendency to just give up all hope on them like my acquaintance seemed to be doing on his daughter.

I’m so happy that God doesn’t give up on us.

He told me he wanted me to meet her and talk to her. We agreed to do so in February. He said she wants to do better but the craving for hard drugs makes it exceedingly difficult. Yes, it is difficult and does not ever entirely go away, BUT it is not impossible to stay away from them as I have done for 50 years now.

My wife and I spent time praying for this young lady yesterday and I intend to add her to my list and continue to intercede for her with Jesus. I would ask that if any of those of you reading this if you are inclined will join me in praying for her right now. There is a hymn that I love, and its lyrics go “All things are possible – If you believe“. And, of course, my all-time favorite Amazing Grace, “I once was lost but now am found. Was blind but now I see”.

I believe and God’s grace came into my life and cured my blindness, (at least my spiritual blindness). I became a new creature when I was washed in the blood of Christ. Nothing is impossible for almighty God and don’t ever let someone say it is. To do so is calling God Himself a liar.

Jeremiah 32:27
“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”





