Calms seas













Well, it looks like the red wave was not so much a wave as a gentle ripple. It is hard to believe that so many people are on the diametric opposite side of the political spectrum as me. It seems that everything I am against, they support. I am exceedingly glad I’m living on my farm in Mississippi. People around this little community think similarly to me and I’m happy to be far away from any of the big city madness. I read of the rampant crime, homelessness, addictions, sinking economy, and sexual perversions and it all seems remote. My biggest problems seem to be in keeping my fences repaired and roads in good shape after a heavy rain.

What will become of our beloved country? I suspect the young folks that have been indoctrinated by evolutionist atheist college professors will come of age and vote their perversions into law. I believe it will get far worse rather than better. Maybe I’m cynical but Sunday the pastor told us that according to a study conducted by Zimmerman 106 million college students who were raised as Bible believers have turned their back on God after four years in college. These same kids will be voting soon, and I fear for a Godless agenda.

As many of you know I am prone to record football games instead of watching them live. If the score goes my team’s way, I watch it and if not, I spare myself the agony of watching the team I love get slaughtered and delete it without watching it. I am thinking that is similar to how God looks at things. Though our battles with Satan can be depressing and can cause the height of anxiety and frustration to those of us on the battlefield, God is on the throne, and even when everything looks as though there is no hope He does not waver, because He already knows the outcome.

And the final outcome is good. We can share in His foreknowledge because it is provided for us in His Holy Word the Bible. The “Last Days” dilemma we are in is prophesied in the Bible and so is the ultimate outcome.  To take advantage of it we must read it daily. Your faith will be enhanced and all this stuff that is occurring will be viewed like a football game that is floundering and making mistakes, but in the end will triumph. Don’t fret my beloved friends we are in Almighty God’s hands and though we may not realize it, the war is already won.

Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.





