November 8, 2021 – Click here to listen
The Afghan disaster, coupled with the invasion of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants strolling across our border, the Biden administration arranging flights in the dead of night to distribute them all over the country and lobbying to give $450,000 dollars to them for breaking the law and illegally entering our country, massive supply chain shortages crippling our economy, CRT racism being forced on schools, mask and immunization mandates or lose your job, fuel prices soaring thanks to pipeline closures and oil lease drilling cancellations, unprecedented foreign policy humiliation of coddling Iran and China, pushing multi-trillion dollar social spending programs and raising taxes on the entire population in a massive wealth redistribution scheme, are just some of the issues driving the American people to cancel Biden and his left-wing administration.
I think the biggest turnoff to my way of thinking are the lies. I wonder if anyone in Washington D.C. can tell the truth about anything; politicians, media, bureaucrats are congenital liars with few exceptions. The progressive press tries to use propaganda at every turn to cover for Biden. Take for example a recent Nascar event, some woke reporter tried to twist the derogatory chant demeaning Biden by lamely saying the crowd was screaming “Let’s go Brandon”. I won’t repeat what they were chanting
and I’m sure that by now you already know what it was anyway, LOL,
but rest assured it was about Biden and not Brandon, and no one was cheering him on.
Since then, I see Let’s go Brandon shirts practically everywhere I go in restaurants, grocery stores, flags flying on boats and in front of houses, stickers on cars parked at church, you name it. This weekend a plane flew a banner around the Georgia Bulldog’s stadium when the Dawgs played Missouri with it emblazoned on it. I went to a concert in Key West to hear ZZ Top Saturday night and the rowdy crowd was merrily chanting it as they exited the amphitheater after the concert. Fans at sporting events and large gatherings all over America are chanting it and no less than five different songs are number one on iTunes with different versions of it.
Biden’s popularity rating has dropped like a goose in a hailstorm and the blue state of Virginia’s recent elections give us hope that voters will arise and fight back for our country and beat the wannabe socialists/communist woke politicians out of office in the midterm elections and put a stop to the insanity.
I pray daily that our country will turn around and the people will say enough! Hopefully that day is just around the corner.
Let’s go Brandon!
Proverbs 29:2
When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.