Civility and common sense – gone and forgotten













November 10, 2021 – Click here to listen

I read of two young boys who were at a youth baseball game standing in line at a concession stand. One of the kids made fun of the other and a shoving match ensued. One of the boys grabbed a baseball bat and hit the other in the knee and then a full swing to the head. It instantly killed the boy.

I heard a news commentator remarking on this incident and other similar incidents that have occurred in everything from amateur sporting events to the well-publicized fights involving fans and athletes in professional sports stadiums throughout our country. The commentator indicated that he felt it was a sign of growing “uncivility” in our country. Excuse me, “uncivility”? I suppose one could term killing someone with a baseball bat because another child made fun of his performance in an earlier baseball game “uncivility,” but for some reason that seems inadequate to me.

Our society seems to celebrate violence non-stop on television. It dominates computer games played by millions of kids worldwide. Violence is everywhere and has become the norm versus the exception. Should we be surprised about this incident? Or Columbine-like occurrences? After the investigation of the school shooting in Sandy Hook that became a horrific killing spree, it turns out that perhaps as many as twenty students were aware of the plan prior to it and said nothing. Huh?

Violence is evil and wicked, and it stems directly from Satan. Evil exists in our society for the purpose of destroying it and is increasing daily. “Free speech” oddly advances its cause. We love free speech in America, but it has gone too far. violence, mayhem, pornographic depravity at its worst is zealously protected by the same government that bans prayer before an athletic event in a school or the Ten Commandments being displayed in a public building.

What happened to common sense? Our country has gone completely awry and some of these radical politicians and lifetime judges need to be replaced. People must vote using common sense for that to occur and hopefully, the recent elections in blue state Virginia are the beginning of it.

Satan must be very proud of how well he has duped the American public. The one thing that gives me any satisfaction about him is that soon he will be cut off . . . permanently. Unfortunately, more tears will be shed until that occurs . . .

Psalm 37:10
For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more.





