No need for electricity or light bulbs













October 21, 2021 – Click here to listen

A friend sent me the following beautiful photo that he took in Louisiana on a fishing trip for redfish. As I viewed the photo I couldn’t tell if the sun was rising or setting.

This reminded me of the adage concerning the glass being half full or half empty. I like to believe that the sun was rising in this photo, just like I try to think of the cup as half full. The darkness of the night, especially with my declining vision, is not welcome. I prefer the birth of an exciting brilliant new day and not its death.

One of the descriptions in the Bible for hell is that it is void of light. God is light and since He will not be in hell, inky black darkness will totally encompass its inhabitants. Jesus spoke more of hell than any other person recorded in the Bible and for good reason, He loves us and doesn’t want anyone to end up there.  He says there will be weeping and gnashing of the teeth. Eternity will be spent in agony in total darkness. I assume these wails will be heard by others in similar straits.

Those who have been faithful and follow Jesus will enjoy the dawn of a new light and heaven will need no electricity or lightbulbs because the glorious brilliance of God Himself will illuminate heaven. There will be no sin, sadness, grief, death, or evildoers stalking the night. Just basking in the glorious light and love of our God.

One has to wonder why so many people choose to reject God and His only Son Jesus Christ. Set your clock in the morning and watch the sunrise as it brings its warmth and glory and enjoy your day. Then watch it sink late in the evening and feel the darkness gobble you up.  Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, mind, body, and soul my friends. He will deliver you and take you to His home and there will be no night there.

Revelation 21:23, 22:5
“The city does not need the sun or moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God gives it light . . . There will be no night there”





