Cancel the Silver Alert













August 17, 2021 – Click here to listen

A friend wrote this morning and said that after reading yesterday’s post it looked like I’d started to read the news again. I admit that I did read the news to find out more about the Taliban fiasco and couldn’t help but note the flood of other problems beseeching our beloved country as I perused the news. I’m disheartened with the catastrophic condition our once highly esteemed country has become.

It seems no one has heard from our President. I’ve been expecting to see a Silver Alert for him because it seems no one can find him or his spokesperson Jen Psaki. I suppose his advisors are telling him to lay low until it blows over and they can get the spin machine to blame it on others.

I say cancel the Silver Alert. What is he going to tell us that we don’t already know? He certainly isn’t capable of doing anything to alleviate the carnage.

I’m heading to California and some bluefin tuna fishing tomorrow and I’m hoping that a long boat ride in the beautiful Pacific with one of my old friends will settle me back down some. If that isn’t sufficient, I will be in Alaska for many weeks enjoying God’s wilderness and surely, I will recover by then.

I feel kind of stupid because I hadn’t read the news in nearly a year and have enjoyed the peace and quiet and felt the serene love of God. Not long ago a reader lambasted me to get back in the fight and reengage. Against my better judgment, I reluctantly decided to at least stay abreast with the fake news; however, I knew in my heart what I would read before reading it. Sure enough, the news was dismal as expected and there is nothing that I can do about it except rant and get angry. Don’t know about you but I don’t like that feeling.

Don’t you wish you could just find a way to convince people to follow the path of Jesus and dwell in His truth? I do, but I cannot find a way to have any impact whatsoever. I feel I’m relegated to just watching our country go down the toilet, it has been flushed, and I’m helpless to stop it.

Yesterday I prayed to God to spare our nation. It seems he answered in a weird way. I’m in the center of Antifa country in Portland. It was sweltering hot in Portland, but we went to the coast and went salmon fishing again. The temperature near the ocean was cool and the people who lived in this area that I met to a person were, well, normal. They disliked most everything about the liberal haters and the political environment, and they seem to love God and country.  What is not to like? The rugged coastline was beautiful as were the nearby mountains and we limited right away on the salmon.

So, was God telling me that not all is as it seems? Are there good Godly people everywhere even in the state of Oregon?

Hmmm . . . Of course there are people here in Oregon that love God and hate what is happening in our country. The land God has created here is a beautiful paradise and God is still on the throne and I felt like He was telling me to chill, that He has this. Just trust in him and all will be well. 

Okay – But God – I’m concerned about my grandkids growing up in this evil place, what kind of life will they have?


Yes Sir – Thank You Sir!

Ummm – Sorry to bother you Sir . . .

We cannot see what God sees. Faith is trusting in the unseen. We have examples in the Bible whereby God opened the eyes of His servants to a mere sample of the army that He commands and it knocked grown men to their knees when they just caught a glimpse. 2 Kings 6:17 – And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

I need to chill and have faith that God has this . . . And perhaps you do too . . .

Psalm 91:11
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.





