January 27, 2021 – Click here to listen
A good friend called me yesterday and wanted to know what was going to happen to our country. She said, “If anyone would know it would be you.” I told her I didn’t know where she got that because all I can do is guess like the rest of the world. There is no news outlet that I can find that actually tells the truth so we are left in that position of guessing what is really going on.
She told me she had heard of prophets who were saying Trump would regain his position with the aid of militias and the military. I told her that I believed that was someone’s pipe dream (as in they have been hitting the pipe pretty hard.) That ain’t gonna happen.
Trump is out and unfortunately Biden is in and at least in my humble opinion his regime will be a tougher version of Obama’s, if that is possible. I told her I didn’t presume to know why our sovereign God permitted things to go that way and do not think it is my place to even ask Him. Why do I need knowledge of things like that? I am just a servant and He is the master. I suppose if He wants me to know the why’s of His decisions concerning the world or anything else, He will make them known to me.
I’m content to trust him and know He sits on the throne and has a good plan for those who love him. I don’t understand it and many other things, but He is the Lord of all and I trust in His decision making. Completely!
Some of you might try the same thinking. I can guarantee that it is far less stressful than driving yourself crazy wondering why this and why that. If you catch yourself asking why, merely answer, “Because,” and drop the issue.
As I’ve said many times in this post, we were created for His pleasure and not vice versa. I wouldn’t dare question His decisions because He is God and I am lower than an ant and certainly am not privy to His plan aside from what He has revealed in His Bible. On a tiny scale I can relate. For example when I was a CEO and made decisions and executed a plan (after carefully examining all of the evidence and conducting meticulous planning,) I would invariably have some low level employee who didn’t have access to practically any data question criticize my decisions. Grrrrrr . . . In the Lord’s case none of us have the intellect to even understand His plans, especially the why questions even if He would take the time to explain it to us.
The Lord wants us to trust Him, study His word, and live righteous lives. So-o-o-o I’m very content to do just that. My wife and I went fishing for two hours yesterday afternoon and the world, well God took care of it just fine without any help from me. And hey I’m fine with that.
Thank you, Jesus, for this beautiful day in the sun with my wife of fifty years.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son that whosever believed in Him would have everlasting life.