December 2, 2020 – Click here to listen
As anticipated some Bozo disparaged me for my intended message of encouraging others to serve the Lord in yesterday’s post. Essentially, I related the overwhelming sense of gratitude I have for God allowing me to be a part of serving Him. In fact my wife and I held hands while still on the Key Largo church grounds and prayed and thanked Him for enabling us to be a part of its existence.
But this shallow clown seems to think I was merely bragging about it and other projects I listed whereby I’ve been enormously blessed.
I’ve found over the past 22 years of writing WFTD that these people hide behind their keyboards and try to tear down anyone doing anything to enhance the kingdom and encourage others to do the same. It is senseless to argue with them, because they refuse to accept the truth. Reminds me of Biden supporters.
In my case I give all credit to the Lord for anything positive in my entire being, spiritual and secular. He is the one that gave me whatever gifts I have. I’ve tried to be obedient and use them to serve Him as best I know how, and my faith is unshakable and admittedly have failed him proportionate to what He has done for me and am flawed from head to toe.
My role in writing Words for the Day is to use my real life experiences and how I seek God for everything, especially to obtain strength and wisdom to encourage others. In some cases I relate sinful things that I’ve done that should be avoided at all costs and I write about the real life consequences that I endured because if it. In other cases I’ve related things I have done right and related the tremendous blessings that I’ve received from obeying God and doing what He has laid upon my heart.
I don’t ever get any complaints about writing about being in a fight and going to jail because of it, or getting drunk and having a head-on collision, both of which were consequences of sins. But I get lambasted if I relate the wonderful blessing of having built a church or going into a prison and seeing several hundred inmates give their heart to the Lord after hearing my testimony or similar event.
My question to detractors is why? Obviously, I have some limited influence on those who read my posts, or they wouldn’t subscribe, so why not encourage them to serve the Lord with their talent and treasure?
I’ve been studying the books of Kings and Chronicles for several weeks and my Bible study partner and I have been discussing how the Jewish people did wicked – wicked things and suffered the consequences, but they also did very obedient faithful things and enjoyed God’s blessings as no other nation has enjoyed. How else would we know this if it was not written? These passages are in God’s Holy Bible for a purpose. We are encouraged to do the right things and receive blessings and are warned about turning our backs against God and having them taken away.
I overcame tremendous obstacles of being homeless and drug addicted and became very successful in business and one year was even selected as Business person of the Year in the Atlanta area. All of my children are very successful, tremendous Christians, happily married and all seven of my grandchildren are all that I could hope for and well on their way to being successful in their own right. My wife and I will have been married 50 years in just ten days. Love abounds in our family.
I realize there is a fine line between not allowing your left hand to know what your right hand is doing. I think about it often. What makes sense to me is to give all of the credit for any good I might accomplish in my life to God who made it all possible and for that I’ll brag all day long.
Please understand that my goal of encouraging people and giving them hope is best served by telling others that they can have blessings galore from God, most important of which is peace, joy, and hope, and all it takes is faith and putting your gifts to use for the Lord. You that have ears listen – The rest of you go back to sleep . . .
1 Corinthians 6:20
For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.