No Jesus – No Peace













July 16, 2020 – Click here to listen

I was standing in a prison yard giving my testimony and I asked my “captive” audience if they could have “anything” they wanted what would it be. To a person all of them immediately chose wealth.

I used to think the same thing, that is until I got it. I found that it didn’t really solve much of anything aside from financial security and having it resulted in many more problems; not the least of which everyone wanted it and seemed willing to do anything to get it.

If your heart is heavy and you are miserable money, doesn’t make it better. Whitney Houston was a beautiful singer with Grammys and international fame; she was a talented actress, had most every material thing anyone could ever want and yet the jewels, mansions, boats, big bank account, and planes were not enough. She died alone in a bathtub, her body full of cocaine and various other drugs. One year to the day later her daughter did the same thing. She is not the first nor will she be the last to find out that having loads of money doesn’t translate into finding peace, joy, and love.

When I met Jesus my life was filled with trouble. I was unhappy to the point of being suicidal. When I became a follower of Jesus, I found peace for the first time in my life. At times I have drifted away from Him and my peace drifted away simultaneously. It is a terrible thing to face this tough world alone. When I snapped out of my backsliding ways I ran to Jesus as fast as I could.

I saw a car the other day with a message scrawled on the back window that said: “No justice – No peace.” I felt sorry for those young men riding in it, because they are looking for something unobtainable, peace without Jesus. Beating someone up or looting and burning down a business won’t bring peace. It only will lead to sorrow, jail time, and paranoia.

Yesterday I mentioned the immensity of the Universe and how tiny we are in comparison. Bill Bright once described humankind as being akin to a microbe on the back of a flea on a dog’s back, in the master’s palace. One look at a starlit night makes me think that he was overstating our lowly position as compared to God.

And yet, here we are, heirs to His kingdom loved by Him with a love so powerful that He has chosen to adopt us as His sons and daughters. Forever protected from any harm and filled with peace that is beyond anyone’s comprehension. Now we are awaiting our turn to walk into the presence of Jesus and feel the radiance of His love.

A friend told me yesterday that he wished he had faith like I have. The Bible teaches that faith comes from hearing the word of God. Read your Bible and attend church and Bible study. Surrender control of your life to Jesus and for heaven’s sake stop worrying. All of the collective worry of the entire world will not change anything to something positive. It only will cause harm through anxiety that ravages our health. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Our world is full of violence, and our daily lives can be marred by conflict and turmoil, but God promises His people a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Good things begin with the realization that without Jesus there can be no peace…

Psalm 37:11

“But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.”





