Stone Wall













May 25, 2020 – Click here to listen

One of my readers sent the following graphic in response to Friday’s post about fear.

Stonewall Jackson was the personification of courage, especially in battle and it’s interesting to learn from his own words where he derived it. With fear out of the picture, we can be as courageous as lions.

I forced myself to watch a documentary of the Nazi holocaust a couple of days ago and as anticipated it was deeply disturbing. I watched to remind myself of how evil left unchecked can bring utter degradation to a nation. Eventually the courage of the Allied Forces saved the world, but not before so much death and destruction. Any person who does not believe in evil satanic forces should watch this and know that evil exists as does Satan. Hitler was a Satan worshipper and during the pinnacle of his career in Germany, the Lord’s prayer was changed to read, Our Father, Adolph, who art on earth, Hallowed be thy name, the Third Reich come . . . .” Hitler had put himself in the place of God and desired the worship of men. He followed the same path as his father the devil followed in Isaiah 14, seeking personal exaltation and the worship of others. He also found that Satan lived up to the titles given him in Revelation 9:11 “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apolllyon.” The translation of both words is “destroyer”. Hitler was used by Satan to destroy millions of God’s chosen people.

I go through the Bible each day taking a chapter a day and write my thoughts and send them to my Bible study partner. Today I wrote about Joshua who was in the process of taking possession of the Holy Land promised by the Lord.

My commentary: “Ch 12 is a summary of the kings defeated by Israel as they went to war and took possession of the land that God had promised them. This was “God’s” war with the people who were occupying the land and indicative of what will occur at the End times. It is difficult to justify in human terms the killing that took place, but these Canaanite people had acknowledged God and believed in His power but rejected him. The Canaanite’s religion was perhaps the worst and most degrading form of idolatry ever practiced, to include temple prostitution, fertility rites, drunken sex orgies, snake worship, homosexuality, and even infant sacrifice. In short, they were thoroughly contaminated with evil and God destroyed them. I believe this is a solid reminder and warning that the justice of God will be meted out through his wrath.”

The question I had about the documentary was when the Jews and other “undesirables” were rounded up, why did they willingly go along? Often only two or three guards would be used to load thousands on boxcars. They certainly weren’t like Joshua and his warriors who depended on their God to deliver them. It was FEAR. Like the Canaanites they rejected Jesus and thus were filled with Fear! They willingly went to their deaths like sheep to the slaughter without so much as a whimper.

The day after President Donald Trump stated that houses of worship are essential and that governors must allow them to reopen, Chicago authorities declared that religious gatherings (undertaken with all the hygiene and social distancing guidelines anyone might want) to be a “public nuisance” subject to “summary abatement.” This according to the Illinois Supreme Court, (“Summary abatement would mean to put down or destroy without process. This means the health inspector can, upon his own judgment, cause the alleged nuisance to stop on his own authority and effect a destruction of property at his discretion.”) Chicago is therefore threatening the closure and even destruction of church buildings in the “discretion” of a single individual.

My friend Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “In between President Donald Trump’s announcement that houses of worship should open and Memorial Day where we honor brave men and woman who fought and died for our freedom, Chicago threatens to close and even destroy churches. What a contrast. The executive orders are an insult to the First Amendment and to all Americans who understand the price and value of religious freedom. Each day the thug tactics to close churches in Illinois gets more bizarre and outrageous. The courts must stop this insanity.” I would add or the citizens should!

I wonder how far the American people are willing to go in allowing these rogue government officials to go. If the liberal courts won’t help us should we have a Tiananmen Square event here in the United States? Will we? Or will we load up like sheep going to the slaughter as our rights are stripped away and what remains of our freedoms and once vibrant economy are totally destroyed.

Some might think I’m being overly dramatic. I urge you to watch the holocaust documentary of how a minority of people destroyed Germany and put to death over 6 ½ million people. History repeats itself my friends. That is why it so important to teach it in our schools and learn our lessons from it.  It is right and proper to obey God. We are all familiar with the verse that states that, but when we do things, we seem to always put God to one side, and obey men and listen to their words blindly on the other. The Bible tells us not to forsake the gathering together of ourselves to worship. This is a command and not a suggestion. If you are old or sick you get a free pass, but otherwise we should be in church and no government has the right to stop us; at least in this country at this time. If something changes then we must fight, if necessary, even to death. Give me liberty or give me death!

Act 5:29,

“We ought to obey God rather than men.”





